kristy and leah the block

The Block Recap Episode 39: The gossip mags cause absolute CHAOS on The Block

Leah v Kristy x 100000!

It’s episode 39 of The Block 2023 and I’m tired. Also, the Blockheads probably are at this point too…

Besides renovating, they’re tired of each other which has been made a lot worse given that Woman’s Day, New Idea, Who Weekly and TV Week came to visit and published interviews they had with the contestants…

But before we dive into that drama, Steph and Gian have now made $90k in just two weeks, meaning they can now make all of their bathrooms “consistent”, which Steph is keen to see what the judges think.

Okay, back to the mags.

It turns out, Leah and Ash “have been chatting some crap” and Brett and Kristy are NOT happy. Lel.








Possibly the best part of this whole thing was seeing all the builders joining in on the goss. But the worst?! Now Leah and Kristy hate each other even more. Cool cool.

Since the interviews were held a full two weeks prior, Leah is now at the point where she just wants everything to be OK, and tries to make amends. However, Kristy hates her more than ever now, so there’s that.

The 3D Fence and Brett’s mischievous plan

In other — and possibly better — news, Leah and Ash are in talks with Block architect Julian Brenchley to create a special 3D-printed fence that will have all of Charming St talking.

Meanwhile, Brett has also decided on a master plan.

He wants to swap his backyard and front yard in the judging so that the pool — which is clearly a backyard feature in any home — becomes part of front yard week… lol.

Firstly, WTAF and secondly… is this fair? Probably not.

Brett calls a body corporate and his cheeky as plan appears to get it through, despite Leah being wary. He then tries to convince the other Blockheads there’s nothing more to what he’s proposing when in actual fact, he just wants a free Ford Mustang.

Brett. Nine

Brett and Kristy in the middle of drama again?! How surprising!

Want more recaps? Check out our The Block 2023 recaps below!

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The Block continues on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. on Channel 9 and 9Now.

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