It’s episode four of The Amazing Race Australia 2023 and the contestants are finally out of India and on the island paradise of Langkawi, Malaysia.
The remaining racers are tasked with driving themselves to the first challenge, fortunately, Corr and Jana Pittman have their bags… for now.

Challenge and detours
During the Detour, teams had to choose between Eagle Eye or Mai Tai. Those who chose Eagle Eye went on a tandem parasail adventure above the archipelago to find an eagle artwork on a floating pontoon and later locate the matching eagle trinket on the beach.
For those who chose Mai Tai, it wasn’t as simple as just having a drink. This luxurious island paradise, with its five-star resorts and luxury boats, required our celebrities to work as waiters. They had to deliver cocktails on a stand-up paddle board.

Jackie and Ben Gillies failed to pick the correct eagle trinket on their first attempt and had to try again. On the other hand, Darren McMullen and Tristan Dougan got it right on their first try, putting them in the lead.
Even though Bec Judd and Kate Twigley are skilled at making and drinking cocktails, serving them while paddle boarding was a new challenge. But they managed to reach the end without spilling a drop.
Since George and Pam Mladenov arrived last at the previous Pit Stop but were not eliminated, they had to face a penalty challenge. It required them to fill two large hessian sacks with trash before they could continue to the Detour. After completing the task, they struggled with George’s balance while navigating the paddle board but eventually made it, remaining in last position.
Challenge Two
The next task brought the celebrities deep into the jungle, where they encountered thousands of bats and had to retrieve their next clue.
At the Road Block, one team member had to replicate an elaborate fruit hamper, complete with decorative bows and ribbons. It proved to be a challenging task as all the teams struggled to complete it.

The Pit Stop
After a hectic day of racing, Darren and Tristan were first to arrive at the Pit Stop, before Beau dropped the bombshell that this was a Virtual Pit Stop, and teams had to read the next clue and continue racing… and didn’t they love Beau for it.

It was one of the tightest races to the finish so far, and sadly a wrong turn for Peter and Frankie Rowsthorn saw George and Pam overtake them, eliminating the Father-Daughter duo from the race.
Want more recaps? Check out our The Amazing Race Australia: Celebrity Edition recaps below!
Episode 1 / Episode 2 / Episode 3
The Amazing Race Australia: Celebrity Edition airs on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. on 10 and 10Play.
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