Farmer Wants a Wife Reunion Recap: And they lived happily ever after

Renovations, jewellery, past couples, an ankle brace AND crutches were all featured during the Reunion.
farmer reunion

If you can believe it, we’ve reached the Reunion of Farmer Wants a Wife Australia and as promised, all FIVE farmers — Andrew, Brad, Brenton, David and Matt — have found love.

After a seven-minute recap of everything that happened during the season, host Samantha Armytage is sitting down with our loved-up cowboys for one final ride.

The Five Farmers. Seven

Sam reminds them the last time they were in the barn, they walked in as “single men” but now, things are looking very different. And even though they all said they were “in love” during the Final Decision, at the time of the reunion, it was a month ago and we all know how much can change in just four weeks!

“I want to know if any of you Farmers have found a wife,” Sam says and so. do. we.

Farmer Brad’s Journey

Farmer Brad is up first. He chose Clare during the final decision.

Brad talks about his last relationship and how it ended because she didn’t want to be on the farm, saying that he hoped when he went on the show, that the women who applied were going to be genuine.

Sam then asked him why he chose runner-up Morgan for the first 24-Hour Solo Date and he admitted she stood out to him because she hadn’t spent one single second on a farm before, which is confusing due to his previous statement.

“I got on really well with her in the speed dates,” he said.

Farmer Brad and Morgan. Seven

The topic then turned to his final choice Clare.

“There was that chemistry,” he said, revealing it was hard to put into words. “There was that connection, that feeling that there’s something there.” After their first one-on-date, Brad realised what potential their future had because of how comfortable they felt.

“I was excited to see where it was going to go,” he said.

Farmer Brad. Seven

During the Finale, Farmer Brad told Clare that he loved her and she reciprocated.

“It was quite a big moment… it was a massive thing for her to do,” he said.

Sam then talked about the “challenges” they faced when it came to the whole moving-in situation. He said that he wasn’t one to rush into anything while Clare struggled with the revelation.

“Where does this leave you two?” Sam asked him and… ad break. Cool.

Farmer Brad and Clare

After the agonising break, Farmer Brad revealed that Clare would be moving to Cootamundra “once she’s got a job”.

“This could really be a happily ever after,” he said before Sam welcomed her to the couch.

Due to her twisting an ankle after getting off a horse, Clare arrived in an ankle brace but sitting on the couch, they looked pretty cute together.

Sam Armytage, Clare and Farmer Brad. Seven

“Providing her foot’s right,” Brad said, “it will be her and her horses and her dogs” who will be packing up and leaving Tamworth behind. Cute.

“I’m personally happy I’ve been through it all,” Brad said, while Clare admitted it had all been “relaxed”.

Clare and Farmer Brad. Seven

“Has this Farmer found a wife?” Sam asked Brad.

“I believe I have, Sam.” DOUBLE CUTE.

Farmer Brenton’s Journey

When Farmer Brenton joined Sam on the couch, he first spoke about his runner-up Rachel.

He admitted that their speed-date was “awkward” but after taking her back to the farm, things just “shot off from there”. They then spoke about his final choice, Sophie a.k.a “Soph”.

Apparently, Sophie was the first girl he saw during the application process (kismet!) and he chose to take her back to the farm for the first 24-Hour Solo Date where they shared beer and pizza.

Sophie and Farmer Brenton. Seven

During his Final Decision, Brenton broke down after telling Rachel he had fallen for Sophie.

“It was good to finally tell Sophie that I did love her,” he admitted. “The moment was right at the Final Decision and it made me open up as a person.”

He then admitted it was a “struggle” having her at the farm once the “honeymoon” of the TV show was over.

“The big question is Brenton, and I’m terrified to ask you,” Sam said. “Is Sophie here tonight?”

Ad break. Count of Monte Christo!

Farmer Brenton. Seven

Farmer Brenton and Sophie

“Yeh, Soph’s here tonight,” he said and Sam was audibly shocked. Lol.

“You two look cute together,” Sam said when Sophie joined them.

Farmer Brenton and Sophie. Seven

Sophie admitted she knew from quite early on that her Farmer was “The One”.

“As soon as I got back to the farm, I just wanted it to be us forever,” she said, adding: “My heart was set on him from the get-go.”

She also revealed that she always knew she’d move back to the country eventually, even though Brenton had questioned it. They also revealed she had moved it and that she hadn’t made any changes to the house, otherwise, he’d make her “pack her bags” quickly.

Look, love them, but does anyone else feel like Brenton ain’t feeling it?!

Farmer Brenton and Sophie. Seven

The couple also said that they were renovating the bathroom (already?!) which will certainly test their new relo and when Sam asked if there would be a “seventh generation” on the farm, he said that they’d have to “see how the bathroom renos” went first. Lawl. Love him.

“What’s next? Who knows,” he said.

Cupid-In-Arms Natalie Gruzlewski catches up with past couples

To break up the Farmer Reunion a little, we stepped away with “Cupid-In-Arms” Natalie Gruzlewski to catch up with Farmer Nathan and Amanda from season five, who have been together for thirteen years and married for twelve!

After Nathan proposed during the Finale, they are now living in marital bliss with three sons to keep them busy.

Farmer Nathan and Amanda. Seven

Then, Natalie chatted to season four’s Farmer Brad and Stacey, who have been together for fourteen years and now have two beautiful daughters as well as a farm they bought as a family.

“We felt from day dot we’d known each other for years,” Stacey said before Natalie revealed that at the time he had taken her aside and said: “‘I’m going to marry that girl,’ and here we are.”

Farmer Brad and Stacey. Seven

One of the bigger surprises was 2022’s Farmer Harry and Tess, who are still going strong and looking as cute as ever!

Farmer Harry has been working on a Gold Coast cattle farm for nine months and they’re “still very much in love”. HAPPY TEARS!!

Tess and Farmer Harry. Seven.

Farmer Matt

Back at the barn, Farmer Matt joined Sam on the couch.

Olivia has always been herself from the start,” he said of the Lady he chose for his Final Decision. “My relationship with Olivia, it was just all of those small things we did for each other.”

Then the topic turned to his runner-up, Annabelle and how much his parents liked her. Even though he didn’t choose her, his parents were “happy to support” his decision.

“I think this is the first time I’ve actually felt what love is truly like,” he said of his new bae.

Farmer Matt. Seven.

Of course, there was still the bombshell of him moving to Canberra, which at the time of recording, he was a month away from doing.

Sam asks if Olivia is “here today”, which is dumb since she was in the promo before the ad break, and she joins them on the couch. She reveals that she will be moving to Canberra after she finishes her Certificate IIII in Wollongong.

Olivia. Seven

“A little birdy told me… Olivia, did Matt give you some jewellery today?” Sam then asked her.

Ad break. Guys, this is not funny anymore!

Finally, we found out what all the fuss was about and it was… a sunflower necklace. Wow.

Olivia’s ring necklace. Seven

We hate to say it, but we saw that coming from a mile away…

Farmer Andrew

In case you had forgotten, Farmer Andrew ended his experience early because he had fallen in love with truck driver Claire.

While we absolutely forgot about this couple the past few weeks, Farmer Andrew revealed he knew there was something special about his Lady after the speed date.

Farmer Andrew. Seven

Farmer Andrew revealed that the couple has been visiting family all over Australia and that she’s moving to Narromine…except, there was a little bump in the road. Well, a major accident!

According to Andrew, Claire was out horseriding with friends, was injured and was airlifted to hospital and was now recovering.

“It was a shock initially and reinforced those feelings that I had,” he said.

Farmer Andrew and Claire

Thank goodness, Claire — and her crutches — were able to join them on the couch…

Claire and her crutches. Seven

In cuter news, they seemed so goddamn happy with Claire saying that her Farmer “doesn’t stop talking”.

“You’re my favourite person,” Claire told him. “And that’s exactly what I was looking for.”

Claire and Farmer Andrew. Seven

“So, has this Farmer found a wife?” Sam asked.

“I think this Farmer has found a wife, yeh,” he said. Nawwww!

Farmer David

Finally, it was time to speak with our last Farmer, Farmer David.

David said it had been a “transition getting back into farm life” revealing that he wanted to be “open-minded” during the experience.

Farmer David. Seven

They spoke about how different the personalities of the ladies he took back to the farm were, including his runner-up Lorelei, who was a front-runner from the beginning; however, during his Final Decision, he chose Emily.

David did say that the “hardest part of this whole experience” was saying goodbye to Lorelei, particularly when she fainted.

Once again, the topic turned to Emily’s lack of experience when it came to relationships and the concerns surrounding that, particularly when they came out of the “bubble”.

“Is she here for us to ask her?” Sam said.

Ad break… Don’t worry, we expected it this time.

Farmer David and Emily

“Ummm… she is Sam,” he said. THANK THE LORD.

Farmer David and Emily. Seven

According to Emily, her dog Bailey “officially moved in before I did” to which David said: “Bailey has been the challenge!” HA!

After a package of them moving in together, David says the house is a “much happier place”.

“We’ve got a pretty exciting future coming up,” he said.

He too admitted he has found a wife and with that, the sun has set on Farmer Wants a Wife Australia 2023!

Five out of five! WHAT. A. RIDE!

Until next year!

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Tagged: Featured, Reality TV, Recap, TV, Farmer Wants a Wife


Anita Anabel

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