Million Dollar Island recap episode 7: 12 thoughts I had watching Log Camp whinge about food

They can have all the food they want when they're eliminated!
Brett rolling his eyes on Million Dollar Island

It’s Million Dollar Island Australia 2023 episode seven and the richest person on the Island Corey is back in charge of elimination picks.

This week, only players who have a single wristband can be eliminated. Log Camp is in charge, but going by the amount they’re complaining about the lack of food they have, I’m questioning if they’ll have the brainpower to strategically pick nominations.

Here are 12 thoughts I had during episode three of Million Dollar Island Australia, episode seven!

1. Corey’s in charge and his camp keep talking about how hungry they are. Call me crazy but what if he gave immunity to players in exchange for food? Have I cracked the code!?! Put me on that island, stat.

2. Oh wow, we’re six minutes in and I called it already. Although I admit the host Ant did clue me in with his narration.

Million Dollar Island
Corey talking about food. Seven.

3. Top Camp ain’t about sharing their food. But they will have all the food they desire if they’re eliminated, so they may as well just give some up and stay safe in the game IMO.

4. For once, I agree with Brett. Log Camp should stop whinging about not having food and just do something about it.

Million Dollar Island
Brett has this much sympathy for the hungry people at Log Camp. Seven.

5. Oh wow, Brett is going to be p-i-s-s-e-d because his camp members decided to share some of their food in exchange for promised immunity.

6. Of course, Corey stuck to his word and keep all of Log Camp safe because of their food deal. What a snoozefest.

The elimination challenge

7. Wow these people suck at the challenge, more than half got the first question wrong. No wonder they only have (had?) one wristband.

Million Dollar Island
Chaos. Seven.

8. I can never understand why people say “me” instead of “my”. Like, it takes the same time to say both words? I’m looking at you, Jack.

9. Ummm, what’s wrong with the colour of Yasmin’s legs? You should probably tap out now, girl.

Yasmin’s purple/red legs. Seven.

Survival challenge and elimination

10. Oooohh the winner not only gets to stay, but also gets a huge box of food? My money is on Log Camp now because those people want some tucker BAD.

11. Jack has a lot of products on his list… but Matches?! I dunno about that Jack. Wishful thinking.

Jack’s list. Seven.

12. Jack wins and I guess I’m going to have to endure some more “me” slang in coming episodes. Le sigh.

Million Dollar Island Australia continues on July 3 at 7.30pm on 7 and 7Plus.

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Tagged: Million Dollar Island Australia, Reality TV, Recap, TV


Danica Baker

Danica is our deputy editor who followed her parent’s career advice of “do what you love”, which for her, involves watching a whole lot of reality TV. You'll find her bylines on Rolling Stone, W...
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