Big Brother episode 5: 10 thoughts I had watching Annelise feel the heat of friend-zoning Luke

Has she watched BB before?
Big Brother couch

It’s Big Brother Australia 2023 episode 5 and it’s already time to evict another housemate, this year’s cast is dropping like flies.

With an intruder entry, challenge, nomination and eviction happening in this episode, there’s a lot to get through.

Read on to find out what happens!

1. The intruders are here and I’m puzzled by the casting choice, another slim young thang with dark brown hair. Way to confuse us about who’s who, Big Brother.

2. Why are the intruders going into the King and Queen suite? Aren’t the unofficial reality TV show rules that intruders are never allowed to partner up?

3. Annelise is going to want to win this challenge because if she doesn’t there’s a 99.99% chance she’s going home after that button stunt she pulled last eviction.

4. Luke and Gracie-Mae win. Buh-bye Annelise, you should probably start packing now.

5. The housemate’s clothes have been returned via a crane that dropped them into the pool and they’re devastated. Honestly, I’m not sure what they’re so upset about, haven’t they ever heard of a washing machine?

6. Annelise friend-zone’s Luke right before he’s about to nominate. And right after her button stunt. This girl has watched Big Brother before, non?

7. Surprise, surprise, Annalise is up for eviction. Congratulations in advance to the other Housemates sitting next to her on the nomination block.

8. Louie is obviously the puppet master this season, but will the housemates be strategic enough to chop him early? Probably not.

9. Ari’s side eye when Bella confessed her crush on Jake was top-notch TV.

10. Luke admits he messed up by nominating Annaliese but it’s too late and she’s gone. Cue Sad boy Luke.

Big Brother Australia airs Monday to Thursday at 8:30 pm on 7 and 7Plus.

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Tagged: Big Brother, Featured, Reality TV, Recap, TV


Danica Baker

Danica is our deputy editor who followed her parent’s career advice of “do what you love”, which for her, involves watching a whole lot of reality TV. When she’s not busy digging up the latest...
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