mafs harrison melinda

Here’s what you missed: The first Married at First Sight couple swap was complete chaos

"It's a circus act!"

It’s the morning after the fifth Married at First Sight Australia 2023 Commitment Ceremony, and the couples are still reeling after Claire and Jesse’s shock exit.

Even though erryone (including the Experts) blamed Harrison for throwing a grenade and blowing up #Clesse’s relationship, he STILL thinks he did nothing wrong. LOL.

Bronte feels relieved that she and Hazza are still going strong but is concerned that the constant group dramz — a.k.a their feud with Melinda — will break them.

Down the hall, Melinda is pretending to not really care about the whole thing, but deep down she’s ready for war. She talks to Layton about how her arch-nemesis and his wife are causing a pure spectacle; however, her hubby Layton just wants to move forward.

“It’s a circus act,” she said and yes, Harrison is the lead clown.

Melinda MAFS
Melinda. Source: Nine.

After everyone stops b**ching about Harrison, the Experts introduce one of the most “innovative and radical phases” the experiment has ever seen. Feedback Week, which includes a “world first” partner swap.

As part of the exercise, participants must move into a newly assigned pairing for the next three days to cheat and gain a brand-new perspective from someone else. I.e. Someone else who wants to meddle…

Everyone is excited about this new phase; however, since the producers decide to wake up and choose dabauchery, they pair Melinda and Layton with Harrison and Bronte respectively.

“I’d rather stick kitchen utensils in my eyes than live with Melinda for three days,” Harrison says, and mate, she ain’t thrilled about it either.

“I’d rather go jump off a balcony,” she says.

In case you care (we know you don’t), Tahnee was paired with Rupert, Lyndall with Ollie, Alyssa with Cameron and Evelyn with Prince Charming, a.k.a Duncan.

The Married at First Sight Australia Partner Swap begins

After raising hell about the task, Melinda has a change of heart and concedes to moving in with Harrison; however, Layton is f**ked off and refuses to participate. Harrison then rocks up at their front door (with every single item he’s ever owned) ready to move in.

Just like he planned — and always a deflection to his bullsh**tery — Harrison bares witness to a tense fight between his new wife and her husband, Layton.

Not having any of this sh**, Layton storms out, frustrated with what he’s about to endure and the lack of support from Melinda.

Days since a fight? 0.

Layton and Melinda.
Layton and Melinda. Source: Nine.

Meanwhile, over in the land of the sane…

Lyndall is surprised by the understanding and support from Ollie about her marriage to Cam, and Tahnee gives Rupert some nice advice… which is great. Good for you.

Melinda and Harrison undergo the first task

Melinda and Harrison are surprisingly keen to undertake the first task because it means they can give each other a “reality check.”

Like the cursed honeymoon Honesty Box, the task is filled with hard-hitting questions from their fellow nosy participants about their existing marriages.

“It will illicit a frank response… and the hope is that emotions will not get in the way of raw honesty,” Expert John says. Sure, Jan.

Harrison asks Melinda: “Do you think I’ve left my single life behind and am ready to commit?” and Melinda gives a long answer…but what she’s really saying is, “No. Next.”

“Do you think my relationship is fake, and why?” Yes. Moving on…

Harrison Married at first sight.
Harrison. Source: Nine.

Then Melinda got to ask Harrison some questions.

“What is it about me, from your own observations that make you think I’m a nightmare behind closed doors?”

After Harrison waffles on about how Layton has changed “over the weeks,” he says it has lead him to believe that Melinda was the reason… &_&.

In the words of Melinda: “Anyway”…

Meanwhile over in Bronte and Layton’s room…

Despite categorically refusing to move in with Bronte, Layton reluctantly agrees to participate in the questions.

Even though he reeeeally didn’t want to know, Bronte gives him BRUTAL feedback about his wife, which is fooked, because now he’s questioning everything.

Meanwhile, Evelyn, Duncan, Alyssa, and Cameron undertake the second task — the Honesty Letter. After Alyssa pens hers, Duncan reads it to Evelyn. His little face sinks, and he is devo, worrying about Alyssa’s negative tone.

Duncan Married at First Sight
Duncan. Source: Nine.

The OG couples reunite

Even though we hoped for a little more spice, the couples return back to whence they came.

The first couple to reunite is Alyssa and Duncan, and despite feeling re-energised after the swap and organising gifts for his bride, Alyssa greets Duncan with basically… a grimace.

Once again, she wants to talk about how her child is a priority — and while this is 10/10 OK, we feel like Duncan is proving that he knows this.

Even though he shows full support and understanding, Alyssa gets defensive and walks out, leaving our Prince sobbing.

Until tomorrow…

Watch Married At First Sight on Sundays at 7.00 pm and Monday – Wednesday at 7.30 pm on Nine and 9Now.

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