I’m sure most people on Facebook have either seen or have been tagged in the videos of Justin Ryan (he currently posts under Justin Mykkeltvedt). Littered through his videos are “WTFs”, “LOLs” and lewd comments, but it quickly becomes apparent that these videos are something we shouldn’t laugh at.
The videos seem funny at first – I will admit I have shared Justin’s videos to friends numerous times. But after watching a few of them (and reading the abusive comments), it’s obvious people don’t find these videos hilarious because they are intentionally funny. People are laughing at Justin and his off-and-on girlfriend, “Gem Gem” (Gemma Sullivan), who appear to have (purely speculative) issues.
They usually begin a video stating their name and that they’re “Facebook famous as fuck”, but then they spend the rest of the video constantly repeating themselves and saying “all the haters can get fucked” and “girls stop trying to steal me. I’m dating Gem Gem.”
It’s clear to Justin’s audience that the flirtatious comments on his videos are jokes at his expense, but these, along with the copious amount of negative comments, only incite Justin to make more videos.
Some comments are so vulgar, it’s a wonder people haven’t been reported. One person commented about Gemma,
“My mind is actually blown knowing there has been dicks inside that monstrosity of a human.”
While someone else commented:
“Whether You and Your Dumb Ass Girlfriend are ‘fbf’, Does Not change the FACT that you are indeed a Mentally Challenged Asshole.”
The list of abuse goes on. Gemma’s name has even been added into the Urban Dictionary, defined as:
A girl that’s [sic] facebook famous for being ugly.
As all abuse eventually takes its toll, Justin Ryan has recently broken up with Gemma and posted on his Facebook wall,
“One of the reasons we called it quits is the hate is getting too much and I don’t feel safe anymore and I want to live my life positively.”
The fact that he doesn’t feel safe anymore, should have been a revelation to people that the “joke” had gone too far.
Justin Ryan and Gemma Sullivan are “famous” for all the wrong reasons. It won’t stop unless people realise that they are just kids, who have obviously been tempted by online fame. Instead of fame, they have been thrust into the firing line of online trolls who are bullying them across numerous social media platforms daily. It’s only a matter of time until the damage becomes irreversible, and it will be Justin and Gemma who live with the consequences. There’s no place for cyber-bullying.