Interview: Case closed! Dicko reveals who actually stole the butter in #buttergate on I'm a Celeb

And no, it wasn't him!
dicko i'm a celeb butter

Ian ‘Dicko’ Dickson was eliminated from the I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here jungle on April 19 and as a parting gift, told his fellow camp-mates that he was responsible for stealing the butter.

While, the star-studded jungle were in uproar over this revelation, during an interview with Chattr, he revealed it wasn’t him at all!

“Look, to be honest. It wasn’t me. I just wanted to wind them up,” he admitted. “I know what happened to the butter. It was mislaid. It was Adam [Cooney], who’s a big doofus. He just basically cleared the plates away, put it in the butter, took it up there [where they wash the plates] and absentmindedly left it.”

“The funny thing was, we got butter for a challenge the day after and I threw that away in the bin. It’s like, we just can’t keep butter as a group!” LOL!

Dicko reveals why butter is such a commodity in the jungle

According to the 60-year-old, butter in the jungle takes on a whole other meaning.

“It’s easy to assume that butter is a trivial thing,” he said. “But when you’re starving, it kind of takes on a whole other meaning altogether.”

Later on while discussing Kerri-Anne Kennerley’s exit, Dicko explained the importance of gaining stars for food.

“It was a real mistake,” he said of Kennerley’s appointment on the show. “Frankly, she should never have come. As a camp-mate, she was hopeless. She came in completely blind. She was ignorant to what she was being expected to do. I think she thought it was a game but to be honest, hunger in that camp is real.”

Dicko went onto explain with a little “context”.

Harry Garside is a beautiful, beautiful human being, he’s going to do really well,” he said. “He has not stopped training every day since he finished the Tokyo Olympics and in a month’s time, the qualification starts for the Paris Olympics.

“Three days into this show, he had to stop training because he was so depleted through lack of nourishment. So, if we don’t bring home stars to feed the family, this really impacts on him.”

He then joked that “And “some of the other guys don’t have the sort of reserves that maybe Pete [Helliar] and I have” before adding: “it’s medically dangerous if we don’t bring home stars.”

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Tagged: Featured, Ian Dickson, TV, I'm a Celebrity


Anita Anabel

Anita is our Editor whose childhood bible was TV Hits before the internet finally came along and she became infatuated with IMDB. While she heads up the Chattr brand, Anita also works across Mediaweek...
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