Darren Palmer takes fans behind the scenes of The Block judging

Shaynna Blaze and other judges on The Block

The Block judge Darren Palmer has given fans a rare glimpse of the process that goes into judging the house on reveal day.

During an Instagram Q&A, one fan asked Palmer if the judges ever changed their mind about a room when they watched it back on TV.

“No, we give it a thorough assessment on the day. Around 40 minutes in each room and a lot covered we don’t see on TV,” he replied.

Darren Palmer. Instagram.

Fans ask about Eliza and Liberty’s house

Episode 45 saw the Blockheads reveal their backyard. While Eliza and Liberty were feeling positive about their landscaping, the judges didn’t share the same sentiment.

The girls received two sevens and two six-and-a-halfs from judges Palmer and Dave Franklin, and Shaynna Blaze and Marty Fox, respectively.

A fan asked Palmer about Eliza and Liberty’s low score and questioned why theirs was the lowest of the night.

The Block. Nine.

“Certainly not because they didn’t try or work hard or put every effort in,” he explained.

“A little contrasting softness in materials would have helped a lot I think,” he continued. “They have a north-facing backyard with a Plungie Australia so the backyard will have buyer’s interest.”

What were the judge’s scores for backyards?

Steph and Gian won the backyard room reveals with a perfect score from Palmer and a total score of 38. You can check out all of the Blockheads’ scores below:

Kyle and Leslie988.58.533
Leah and Ash9.59.59.5937.5
Kristy and Brett7.57.57628
Steph and Gian9.5109.5938
Eliza and Liberty76.56.5727

Have all the teams won a room reveal?

Yes, they have. However, Kristy and Brett have only taken out one win so far, and that was tied with Eliza and Liberty in week eight for the Master Ensuite Room Reveal.

The Block airs on Sunday at 7:00 p.m. and continues on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on Channel 9 and 9Now.

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Tagged: Featured, Reality TV, TV, The Block


Danica Baker

Danica is our deputy editor who followed her parent’s career advice of “do what you love”, which for her, involves watching a whole lot of reality TV. You'll find her bylines on Rolling Stone, W...
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