Below Deck bosun, Ben Willoughby has gone rogue on Instagram and said he’s at a “crossroads” about whether to expose the “truth” of the show.
Ben, who hasn’t exactly been portrayed too badly on season on Below Deck season 11 took to Instagram to drop some bombshells about the popular reality TV show.
During a question-and-answer session, an anonymous fan asked Ben if he plans to come back for another season of Below Deck.
“I used to once love Below Deck,” Ben cryptically responded. When pressed for an answer the Bosun replied “There’s too much that isn’t seen. I’m at a crossroads as the whether the truth needs to be told or I don’t let this consume me anymore.”

Ben slams the editing on Below Deck
Ben started as a lead decky on Below Deck season 11 and was quickly promoted to the bosun position. Once he was in charge, Ben had to make the thought decision about who to promote to his second in charge; Sunny Marquis or newcomer Dylan Pierre De Villiers.
He chose Sunny, who he’s been in a boat-mance with, and the decision upset Dylan.
Looking back, on how he’s come across this season, Ben has called out the editing of the show.
“I can’t control the edit. I know what I stood for in those episodes to come. The entire production team know the crap I had to deal with this season,” he told his Instagram followers.

Does Ben get fired on Below Deck season 11?
Ben’s negative comments could lead fans to assume that he was fired during the season, however, the bosun has since reassured his followers that that wasn’t the case.
“Never been sacked as mentioned previously. I had my reasons for what I stood for. It’s a shame none of it will be aired,” he said on Instagram.
While Ben has been cryptic about whether he’d be interested in returning to Below Deck, he told his followers he’d happily join Below Deck Med or Below Deck Sailing in a “heartbeat”.

Stream all seasons of Below Deck on Hayu.
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