Eden Porter almost made Australian Survivor history by going to ‘Rocks’ at Tuesday night’s Tribal Council.
And, the Survivor Superfan told Chattr that he thinks that he could have avoided elimination altogether if his cast mates knew that they were risking themselves should they go to ‘Rocks’.
For the uninitiated, going to ‘Rocks’ is what happens where there’s a double split vote. Tuesday night’s episode saw five people vote for Eden and five vote for Raymond Chaney. As per the rules, host Jonathan La Paglia called for a revote that excluded Eden and Raymond, and if the vote was split down the middle again, they would have gone to ‘Rocks’.
When Tribal Council goes to ‘Rocks’, they all pull a rock out of a bag, and whoever draws the odd coloured rock is sent home – meaning anyone but Jaden Laing, who held the Immunity Necklace, could have been eliminated.
Oddly, it was only Jaden Laing, who was protected in the case of ‘Rocks’, who flipped his vote, sending Eden home.

“I think people just feel like, oh, okay, well, I’m just gonna vote again, I don’t think they actually understood what [going to Rocks] meant,” Eden told Chattr in a post-elimination interview.
“Going to Rocks for the first time in Australian Survivor history, it would have been one of the craziest tribal councils of all time.”
He doesn’t think Jaden went into Tribal Council with a plan to avenge Winna
Tuesday night’s episode saw Jaden’s revenge arc play out perfectly – from his Immunity Idol win to flipping the vote on Eden and telling the camera: “This one’s for Winna, lad.”
However, Eden doesn’t believe that Jaden entered Tribal knowing that there would be a split vote that he could flip to get out Eden.
Eden said that he thinks Jaden only saw an “opportunity” when he was told he would be voting again, after the first tie.
“He was like, “Oh, hang on, I can vote a different way, I’ll just do that”. It was a 50/50 choice for him.
“He wouldn’t have understood about like Rocks, or him being immune, he’s never seen the show before. I don’t think that was on his radar.

Eden couldn’t understand why Kirby went to Rocks for Raymond
Eden said that he wishes he had time between the original vote and the revote to tell his fellow players that going to ‘Rocks’ could risk their place in the game, and used that to his advantage.
“We didn’t really have much time between the first and second vote. If we had a bit of time to discuss, we probably could have got everyone on the same page and I probably could have flipped Rhi and Kirby.”
Even after it was announced that there was a revote, Eden thought he was safe because the OG Rebel’s alliances with Raymond were damaged at previous Tribals.

“I didn’t think that Kirby or Riri would go to Rocks and sacrifice their game for Ray. They clearly have been trying to get out Ray for 12 weeks.”
“You’d think if anyone would flip it would be those guys. Feras wasn’t flipping, Aileen wasn’t flipping and probably Alex [wasn’t either]. But those two I was like, ‘This is wild’.
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