Below Deck fans side with Natalya after Kyle called her a "fake-a** bitch"

"Biggest drama queen & manipulator on Below Deck history!"

It appears that Below Deck teams have picked their fighter as Natalya Scudder after her explosive fight with fellow stew Kyle Viljoen.

Throughout episode eight, the drama between Natalya and Kyle simmered and nearly reached boiling point, before exploding absolutely everywhere at the end of the instalment.

The savage fight saw Kyle call Natalya a “fake-ass bitch” and tells her to focus on her “own fucked up life”. It was a lot.

Below Deck. Hayu.

While Below Deck Mediterranean Chief Stew Tumi Mhlongo and Stewardess Jess Asai seemed to side with Kyle in the episode, the same can’t be said about the majority of fans. They’ve rallied around Natasha and called Kyle out over his harsh comments.

A large Facebook poll even showed around 90% of voters siding with Natalya, over Kyle.

What do fans think of the fight between Natalya and Kyle?

Kyle’s Instagram has been lit up with comments slamming him over his outburst at Natalya, and the reality star even went as far as temporarily deleting his account.

“I needed a social break, even if it was a 48-hour turnaround. Being ‘Main Character Energy’ is exhausting,” he wrote, before dishing that he will release a video reel “sharing more about it all”.

Meanwhile, over on Twitter, things are looking equally as grim for Kyle.

“God, I can’t fucking stand Kyle, he’s like the worst gossipy and dramatic ass gay ever. I can’t wait for #belowdeck so Fraser can come back AND he’s so freaking cute,” one user wrote.

Another penned: “Kyle is the worst.. Nat aint even that bad shes just vocal & direct.. Kyle is the biggest drama queen & manipulator on BelowDeck history!”

A third wrote: “Didn’t like him first season, don’t know who wanted him back this year. Clearly not the viewers. Kyle has to go. His behavior is childish and cruel. If he is back again, I’ll skip the whole season.”

Stream Below Deck Mediterranean on Hayu.

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Tagged: Below Deck Mediterranean, Reality TV, Streaming, Trending


Danica Baker

Danica is our deputy editor who followed her parent’s career advice of “do what you love”, which for her, involves watching a whole lot of reality TV. When she’s not busy digging up the latest...
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