
Lioness vibrator: a smart way to explore yourself

If you thought sex toys couldn’t be innovative, you were certainly mistaken.

Lioness is a smart vibrator that will help you get in tune with your body. Its design is not only to assist women in finding pleasure, but also understanding how their bodies respond to pleasure. Everybody feels pleasure differently, and a device that is customisable for your vagina is clearly a product to get on board with.

Lioness was created by Liz Klinger and was originally introduced as part of an Indiegogo campaign in 2016.  It was a huge success, meeting the $50,000 goal within three days and proving that this kind of product is something actually women want.

The importance of getting to know your own body is clear in the design of the app and the device. While it looks like a regular vibrator, the device incorporates three types of sensors: temperature, motion and pressure. It claims to be able to track your body’s “unique patterns” which include the way you move the vibrator and your orgasm type.

Once you’ve finished a much needed session, you can sync up the Lioness to its accompanying app (available for both iOS and Android). The app essentially maps out a visualisation of your orgasm and any sexual pleasure you’ve felt. It also allows you to track what gets you aroused, what time during your menstrual cycle is best for sex, and so on. Since this device takes foreplay into account, it offers partners to be involved in its usage.

Some other aspects about Lioness that might be of interest:

  • It’s got a very long battery life, holding up to 16 hours of charge. That’s a lot of time on your hands.
  • It has a movable clitoral stimulator and a travel lock.
  • It’s ergonomic and flexible, allowing it to be molded to suit any body.
  • It’s also water resistant – getting in the bath never sounded so good.

Klinger told Bustle that she founded Lioness to break the taboo on female sexual pleasure. She found there was “a lack of information and opportunity to explore more, especially when it came to learning more about themselves and their own bodies.”

“Vibrators and other sexual wellness products out there are not really tailored towards that need, even though a lot of people were looking for something to explore and add variety to their lives,” she says.

Source: Mashable.

Lioness is taking it a step further for exploring one’s sexuality. As a women-centric company focusing on tech to help women, it sends an important message of validating your sexuality and embracing pleasure. It also opens up space to experiment and learn new things about yourself.

While this is not available in Australia just yet, it seems like shipping outside of the US will be happening quite soon.