
10 Times Australian Politics Had Us Shook In 2019

What a year for politics in 2019. Trump met with North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un, Trump was impeached etc etc etc. These political events are all important to understand. However, millennials seem to think United States politics is the be and end all of world politics – but what about Australia?

2019 saw a political year of high stakes drama, comedy and downright stupidity by the political elite of Australia.

Here are ten times Australian politics had us shook in 2019:


ScoMo taking a trip to Hawaii while Australia burns


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Nothing like some time in the sun when the country that elected you to lead it is quite literally burning to the ground. NSW hasn’t seen a blue sky in months. At least ScoMo sent his thoughts and prayers.



The Labor party losing the “unloseable election”


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The media was completely confident that the Opposition Leader of the Labor Party, Bill Shorten, would easily cruise to victory in the Federal Election. Ironically not only did Shorten lose, he lost to a man with no history as a leader, in the form of Scott Morrison.



Barnaby Joyce having a second child with his mistress while still claiming he runs on family values


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Divorce and remarrying is not something to be frowned upon in postmodern times. However, when you base your political campaigns on the idea of family values, yet 2018 saw news released of your affair and child with a mistress, something’s not quite right. On top of this 2019 brought us news of a second child. Maybe…just maybe, family values aren’t your platform to run on.



The Liberal party actually getting the Metro right


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Props are given where props are due. The Liberal Party actually got the Metro right and delivered on their promise of Australia’s most efficient transport network in 2019. In all honesty, I thought the Metro was aimed for utter failure. Glad I was wrong.




The Labor party losing the NSW state election


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Losing the Federal election hurt Labor voters everywhere. However, no loss was as on par as the State election being lost to Gladys Berejiklian.


All signs pointed to a Labor win after a horrid term of failure after failure by the Liberal Party.  Nevertheless, Gladys won.




Gladys Berejiklian and the NSW Liberal government opting to eliminate lock out laws


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2019 saw the NSW State Government announce that lock out laws will be lifted in Sydney – except for King’s Cross, the apparent epicentre of violence.  I wonder what financial loss made Gladys backtrack on lock out laws.




Clive Palmer paying over 70 million dollars in political marketing tactics and winning 0 seats in the 2019 federal election


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There is no doubt in my mind that money buys votes. However, it is clear money does not buy Clive votes.




Egg Boy egging Frasier Anning after his horrific comments following the Christchurch Attack


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2019 was the year of Egg Boy. He became the hero we didn’t know we wanted. However, he was very much the hero we needed. That being said we do not condone Egg Boy’s actions, but we do love his message.



Labor Leader Bill Shorten resigning


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After two unsuccessful bids to become the Prime Minister of Australia, Bill Shorten decided to step down from his position as Leader of the Opposition.

It’s sad to see him go due – solely to the fact that he put up a hell of a fight each election and ran on progressive ideals.




The Religious Discrimination Bill 


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2019 saw the Religious Discrimination Bill which is apparently just a draft and is being workshopped for 2020. This has been the stance ScoMo has taken, anyway. Ummm okay. Keep drafting mate.

For example, the Bill will allow Doctors to discriminate against transgender patients under the guide that ‘God doesn’t allow this’. Additionally, it’ll allow child care workers to tell single mums they are depriving their child of a father.

This Bill seems to be an excuse for religious people to be gigantic douchebags and tell everyone it’s their right to say these things.




2019 was a hell of a year for Australian politics. What does 2020 hold? Another leadership spill, another holiday for the Prime Minister of Australia during a national crisis? We can’t predict these things but we sure can’t wait to report them.



All images via Giphy.