Pauline Hanson in parliament wearing a blue dress with a purple Gemini symbol next to her head

Star Struck: Pauline Hanson is the quintessential Gemini

Pauline Hanson has been a key figure in the news this past fortnight, for all the wrong reasons. Infamous for her racism and rampant disrespect of Indigenous cultures, and just about anybody who dares to disagree with her right-wing, nationalist nonsense (Trump is a Gemini too – coincidence?), Hanson has had quite a run in the media these past few weeks.

Here are three times Pauline Hanson has shown us she’s the quintessential Gemini:

  1. She was banned from Twitter for being rude AF

Geminis are easy to hate, according to The Odyssey. One reason for this is their stagnant superiority complexes and sheer rudeness.

Hanson’s Twitter account has been suspended following a statement she made about environmental protesters in Queensland. She said cattle prods should be used to shock the protesters – and said she doesn’t understand how this is offensive.

Pauline Hanson in the country wearing blue jeans, a blue shirt and a cowboy hat
A screenshot of the video posted online in which Hanson invited the QLD government to use the cattle prod to shock climate protesters (via Daily Mail).

As a result, the controversial senator has violated Twitter’s rules against harassment and abuse and was booted off the bird site temporarily.

Her response?

“’This is just a concerted effort by the left to once again push for the censorship of conservative politicians and commentators, but I won’t be silenced, and I will keep working for the good of all Australians”

Twitter’s guidelines literally state, “you may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone or incite other people to do so. This includes wishing or hoping that someone experiences physical harm.”

But whatever, Pauline.

Screenshot of a Tweet of Pauline Hanson in a car with the window down
Is this not the most Gemini Tweet ever? (via Twitter)

Nonetheless, she’s back in town. Buckle up, Twitter.

  1. She climbed Uluru, because attention

Geminis have a hidden need to appear to be important. This is Hanson all over, amiright?

The Anangu people have been wanting tourists to stop climbing Uluru for years. Now, the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park Board have unanimously voted to ban the climb, starting in October this year, owing to the rock’s deep cultural significance to Indigenous people.

Screenshot of a Tweet where Pauline Hanson is stuck on and the caption reads 'I can't get down'
via Twitter

Pauline Hanson, however, doesn’t see the sacred value behind the landmark and compared climbing Uluru to swimming at Bondi Beach.  The One Nation politician hadn’t even visited Uluru, so Northern Territory Senator McCarthy asked her to travel to the rock and meet with the traditional owners. Despite the good intentions behind the Senator, when Hanson arrived in Uluru she decided – in arguably one of her most attention-seeking moments yet – to climb Uluru herself. Her decision was highly criticised on social media, and many of those against Hanson’s climb smiled guiltily when she got stuck part of the way up, and announced she’d go no further.

  1. Lying and manipulation tactics

Geminis have a tendency to adopt manipulation tactics to get what they want – or to make themselves appear the way they’d like to.

Following Hanson’s controversial (attempted) climb of Uluru, some Indigenous women met with the politician and explained that her climbing Uluru was not showing their culture the respect it deserves.

Screenshot of Tweet about Pauline Hanson and Alan Jones
via Twitter

Hanson’s rebuttal was, “Do you know the word ‘Indigenous’? It means native to the land, I was born here. Where’s my land if not Australia?”, to which one of the women replied in what appears to be genuine confusion, “England?”.

That fiery burn has led social media commentators to claim that the young Indigenous woman deserves equal fame to egg boy, following what is undoubtedly an attempt by Hanson to undermine the girls’ heritage.

From her falsehoods and manipulations, to incessant need for attention and being rude AF, Pauline Hanson is the quintessential Gemini. What’s downright scary is that Hanson’s variety of white supremist nationalists are slowly gaining influence over the Western world. We need to keep calling out their crap when we see it – because God help us if the world is run by them.

Featured image source: SBS