
Opportunities for LGBTQI Communities with New Grants Program

On May 17th, ANZ and Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras announced applications are open for their national LGBTQI community grants program: ANZ & Sydney Mardi Gras Community Grants.

It will provide up to $10,000 to LGBTQI not-for-profit community organisations, charities, and individuals who support the community. The areas of which the funding is open to include:

  • Education and Training
  • Community Activities (including community sport)
  • Arts and Culture (development and creation)

Anything under the rainbow as they put it.

ANZ Chair of the Pride Network, Melissa Tandy said: “As a champion of diversity, inclusion and respect, ANZ is proud to launch this new grants program and help LGBTQI communities and individuals thrive.”

“We’re excited to be able to support a wide array of causes and initiatives working to better the lives of the LGBTQI community and hope these grants will make a real difference to Australian’s far and wide.”

Image provided.

So why was this grant formed in the first place?

The grants program orginated from the recognition of the grass roots work that needed to be undertaken in Australia for the LGBTQI communities. The financial funding is a means of supporting these communuties and fast tracking their work.

Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras CEO, Terese Casu stated to Chattr:

ANZ and Mardi Gras saw a gap in the support for LGBTQI community development within Australia and wanted to create opportunities for growth and networking amongst communities, and importantly, create opportunities for isolated communities that may be in rural or remote areas.

It was also important for us that the program was open to many kinds of community development and ideas.

How will be the grants program provide success?

Terese Casu is adamant the program will prosper in the LGBTQI community:

The National Grant Program is a first of its kind allowing individuals, nonprofits and charity based organisations from across Australia to apply for support for projects that will benefit LGBTQI communities.

We see a great future for this program to continue to grow and develop partnerships between community groups with long legacy values. Arts and culture, community activities (including sport) and educational activities are all supported through this grants program.

The potential for the grants program is immense, and the fact it is being catered to the LGBTQI community is not only allowing them to have a voice in the Australian landscape, but opening up opportunities for equality.

What has been the response from the community?

The importance of this grant has been recognised not only by ANZ and Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, but the whole LGBTQI community.

Casu stated for Chattr:

There has been an overwhelming positive response to the Grants Program from communities across Australia and we have received many inquiries.

Community members have expressed strong support for ANZ and Mardi Gras to taking the lead on providing support for LGBTQI communities on a national level.

We can’t wait to see the results of the grants program in the future.

Applications for ANZ & Sydney Mardi Gras Community Grants are open from today, 17 May until 1 July with successful applicants announced on 16 July.

For more information please visit www.mardigras.org.au/grants