
Our First Sneak Peek of Emma Watson as Belle in ‘Beauty and the Beast’

It’s a tale as old as time. One that’s got Disney buffs like me clearing their calendars, like now, right this second. If you haven’t heard because you’ve been too busy trying not to drown in uni assignments and/or working hard for the money, Disney is releasing a live-action remake of the iconic classic Beauty and the Beast.

*cue internal screaming*

The first teaser trailer for the film dropped a few days ago and it certainly gives off the same vibes from the 1991 time-honoured animated flick. The film, directed by Bill Condon (Dream Girls, Twilight: Breaking Dawn), follows a slew of Disney Princess remakes (Cinderella, Snow White and the Huntsman, Maleficent, ringing any bells?) and will no doubt bring the adventure-seeking, bookworm back to the fore minds of children everywhere.


The trailer opens up with images of the enchanted castle in all its eerie, snow falling glory. It’s the quintessential B&TB piano piece, however, that gives you those familiar shivers. As we move throughout the castle, we finally land on a portrait of what we can assume is the Beast’s family right before he slashes it with his claws. Cue a fade to black before we hear a door in desperate need of WD-40.

Ewan McGregor and Ian McKellen, who play Lumiere and Cogsworth respectively, also make a discreet audible debut, as Emma Watson, who plays the title role of Belle, reaches out for the enchanted rose. The trailer ends with the simple caption “Be Our Guest”.

The film is slated to be released for March 2017.

Dear Disney,

Give It To Me Now

Check out the trailer below and some of our other recent reviews here.