
Louis Tomlinson gets candid about his time in 1D

Louis Tomlinson was one of five members of the pop group One Direction. The band recently called it quits (and by recently, I mean, like, at least a year ago), after having worked themselves to death on tour and wanting to branch out and make their own music.

At least, that’s what the other band members have done. You can’t really go anywhere without hearing Harry Styles crooning about ‘Sign of the Times, with his latest album blowing up. Niall Horan has gone for more of a country vibe with his latest track Slow Hands, but there’s no denying that the years spent hard at work in One Direction have paid off for him.

The member that more or less started the end of the band, Zayn Malik, has gone for more of a R’n’B kind of vibe for his tunes. And finally, who can forget Liam Payne (also known as the one who had a baby APART from Tomlinson) with his party vibes on his songs turning him into the frat boy we always kind of knew he was.

However, in a recent interview with The Guardian, it’s come to light that Tomlinson is fully aware of his impact on the band. He told journalist Tom Lamont:

“The others have always been… Like Niall, for example. He’s the most lovely guy in the world. Happy-go-lucky Irish, no sense of arrogance. And he’s fearless. There are times I’ve thought: ‘I’d have a bit of that.’ Zayn, back in the day. He could relate to me on a nerves level. In the first year we were both the least confident. But Zayn has a fantastic voice and for him it was always about owning that. Liam always had a good stage presence, same as Harry, they’ve both got that ownership. Harry comes across very cool. Liam’s all about getting the crowd going, doing a bit of dancing…”

“And then there’s you,” says Lamont.

“And then there’s me.”

My heart is broken.

louis tomlinson

Poor dude. I hope the army of fans he’s got have made him feel better.