
The ‘Merc with a Mouth’ Will Return!

Following its unbelievable success at the box office, raking in a whopping $757,484,608 worldwide (excluding China, where it was banned for graphic violence), a sequel to everyone’s favourite anti-superhero film Deadpool was inevitable. So, when the announcement that the sequel to Deadpool was officially in the works, no-one can say they were really surprised. However, this doesn’t make the news any less exciting!

Get keen! source

As a massive fan of the character, I was overwhelmed with joy after seeing the Deadpool finally done right on the big-screen (the less said about X-Men Origins: Wolverine the better). So, hearing that we will definitely get another big-screen adventure with the ‘Merc with a Mouth’ was incredibly satisfying. Furthermore, it has been revealed that original director, Tim Miller, and writers Rhett Rheese and Paul Wernick will return for the sequel, along with star Ryan Reynolds, and Cable might also be going along for the ride. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the character, Cable, A.K.A Nathaniel Summers, is the son of Scott Summers A.K.A Cyclops and often acts as a comic foil to Deadpool’s crude and irreverent attitude. The pairing of Deadpool and Cable could potentially present the first superhero take on the classic buddy-cop formula and this has me physically overwhelmed!


What about you? Are you excited for Deadpool 2? Who would you like to see paired up with him?

Be sure to check out our thoughts on the new Doctor Strange trailer and our review of Deadpool.