Women advocate

Women’s advocate Nicole Adamson on using her platform to empower girls

Empowering women has never been more important in these trying times. From sexist and outdated mentalities towards successful women suddenly becoming the norm within mainstream society, to male dominated industries simply pushing women aside; empowering your fellow women shouldn’t be something we have to promote. It should be instilled within our psyche.

Examples of empowering women are everywhere – from the first female Prime Minister Julia Gillard to RnB megastar Beyonce. However, shining the light on lesser known women who strive to empower women each and everyday is crucial. Recently, I sat down with 23-year-old self-employed badass and personal trainer Nicole Adamson to discuss her work with and for the women of her local community.

Nicole has always had a passion for health and fitness, and that’s why straight out of high school following her graduation in 2014 she dove head-first into furthering herself through education. Nicole attained her Certificate 3 and 4 in fitness and doesn’t plan on stopping her educational journey anytime soon; she’s enrolling into Western Sydney University to add to her already vast knowledge and skillset.

Nicole’s work as a PT sees her working for Mission Possible Fitness at Bella Vista in Sydney’s Western Suburbs. Nicole’s career allows her to train women in health and fitness to meet their fitness goals. What makes Mission Possible Fitness different from other gyms is that they give women a space to be women. A space to feel safe and free during their workout. Nicole’s work see’s her working 10-hour weeks running scheduled classes for the women who attend the gym, as well as assisting in the social media management for the social channels Mission Possible Fitness uses.

Nicole changes women’s lives by offering them the opportunity to get back into shape or maintain their current health goals. Nevertheless, Nicole and the team at Mission Possible Fitness always believe they can do more. For the past 6 weeks they have been taking part in the ‘6 Week Hills Sanctuary Charity Weight Loss Challenge’ raising money for The Sanctuary – Hills Women’s Shelter which offers shelter to women and their children who are fleeing domestic violence. The challenge sees women who want to lose weight be able to do so, but at the same time partake in a worthy cause to raise money for women in need.

So far, Nicole and the team at Mission Possible Fitness have raised a massive $5000, which is the halfway point of the $10,000 target. Nicole’s efforts stand out because she is correctly using her platform to empower women. In today’s day and age, social media is a platform used to show off the ‘impressive’ lives we lead. But for Nicole, she uses the platform in the most ethical way possible way and promotes the work she’s doing to raise money. Nicole has over 1,200 followers on Instagram. Now, that’s not 152 million like Kim Kardashian, but Nicole has chosen to dedicate the past few weeks of her social media posting to raising awareness for a worthy cause she believes in.

On top of all the work Nicole already does, she dedicates over 30 hours of her week working part time for TherapyCare as a therapy assistant and personal trainer. TherapyCare works to enable disabled people to live a life of independence, health and wellbeing through services such as plan management, exercise physiology and occupational therapy.

Nicole and I sat down and had a nice chat about her mentality towards her work and how she empowers women.

Why does helping women achieve their fitness goals motivate you?

I’m just very passionate about fitness, and if I can share that passion and knowledge with people it keeps me going. I feel that the human body is pretty cool and it would be stupid not to take full advantage of its capabilities.

Why is The Sanctuary something you’re so passionate about?

We always look for something to give back to the community because we are a gym that’s about community. We basically brainstormed and thought about which charity to raise money and awareness for and we all decided on something grass roots within our community. Our gym is in The Hills, so we wanted to do something for The Hills.

On top of all the work you already do, what made you want to also work for TherapyCare as a personal trainer and therapy assistant?

It’s just so rewarding seeing the progress some of the clients make. It’s really easy to get up and go to work when you genuinely love your job. Just seeing the clients who are so happy and motivated to be there really keeps you going.

Do you see yourself as an empowering woman within your community?

I never really go to myself “hey, I’m an awesome person”, but I’d like to think with the work I do people can see that it’s not hard to do meaningful work for other people.

How do you plan on furthering your work for the community by building on your current platform?

My goal would be to open an Allied Health Centre, grouping together all skillsets, chiropractors, physiotherapist, dieticians; all working under one roof helping people in all aspects of their health and wellbeing.

There are those of us like Nicole who give back to the community and work hand-in-hand with charities to fund their day to day operations and help those in need. You can help Mission Possible Fitness raise money for The Sanctuary – Hills Women’s Shelter by donating. If you donate after Sunday the 30th of November 2019, after the 6 week challenge, you can donate to the main donation page.