

A squad is a powerful thing. I mean, who else are supposed to be able to have your back if not one’s squad. They are there for the good times and the bad. But what truly makes up a squad?

The concept of a squad is easily broken down into its key members, with each squad member bringing something unique to the group. These are the people you need in your squad, to make sure you have #squadgoals.

The Loyal One. This squad member is an essential ingredient. They are the glue who will hold your squad together. Everyone is good friends with them and they are there for whoever, no matter what the problem or situation may be. They are the squad’s loving heart.

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The Comedian. They are the soul of your squad. The comedian is often the attention-seeking friend who goes above and beyond to make their squad laugh. Often high spirited and a walking comedy act, they provide a squad with soul and endless laughter.


The Wild One (#REKT). Every squad needs someone to shake things up and keep things interesting, right? The Wild One is that squad member. They’re the one who convinces the group that the third jug of Long Island Iced Tea IS a good idea and that a night out isn’t well spent unless there have been at least two tack-voms, endless slut drops and at least one walk of shame home in the morning.

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The Rich One. A key member of the squad, they are that member who reminds the squad to treat themselves, for life is short and meant to be enjoyed. Who cares if that new shirt is a little pricey? TREAT YO’ SELF!


The Stylist. Without the stylist, how could the squad always be looking sharp at get togethers and gatherings? They are always dressing it up and carrying the look of their squad on their shoulders, often supported by the newest season of Manolos. Don’t underestimate the stylist though, as they will not be afraid to tell you that your outfit is not on-point, ultimately letting the squad down.


The Smart One. This is the squad member who keeps your squad alive. They always have their wits about them and are looking out for squad members, often playing ‘the Mum’ if one squad member has had a bit too much on a night in the town. They always have the answer for every question and can sometimes be a bit of a know-it-all, but hey, they come in handy!


The Artsy One. Who else is going to take those squad pics for Instagram? The artsy one has an eye for detail and is always full of ideas.


With these squad members, your squad will be unstoppable, maybe even having the power to challenge T Swift’s celebrity squad. So get out there and start recruiting. Your #squadgoals could be just around the corner.