
One Wall, Many Faces: A Day in the Life of the T-Swift Memoriwall

By now you’ve definitely heard about our queen, T-Swift’s, fall from grace. Having been systematically rekt by Kimye, the state of affairs in the Swift camp has not been pretty. In response to this, many paid their respects to the artist’s death since, let’s face it, there’s no coming back from this.

These are some of the top reactions from the event that SWIFTLY ruined Taylor. I guess you could say the haters have been hate hate hate hate hating. I’ll stop now.

Among these messages of final goodbye (and some character assassinations), one Melbourne graffiti artist took it up a notch!

BAM! Source

Artist Lushsux decorated Hoiser Lane in Melbourne with his tribute to Tay Tay: a giant mural commemorating her life and, ultimately, her death at the hands of the Wests.

Anyone know a good lawyer?

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Savage? Yes. Appropriate? Also yes. Following the memorial, which gained a lot of attention online, Lushsux was contacted by Taylor’s lawyer. Unfriendly words were shared.

This could have been the end of Lushsux, who would have subsequently needed his own memorial wall, were it not for a “mysterious” painter who changed the subject matter.


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Lushlux claims that another artist sprayed over his work to turn it into a mural for Harambe – the gorilla shot dead in a zoo in America. However, following this the mural was given ANOTHER makeover.


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One wall, so many celebs savaged. Some have suggested Lushsux has been changing his own work as part of a publicity stunt. No matter who’s responsible, Tay Tay probably wasn’t going to stick around for long anyway – such is the changing nature of Hoiser Lane artwork. And, while we may have been hoping to see some more familiar faces memorialised, the wall itself was finally put to rest. Although the picture has been taken down from Lushsux’s insta, the whole wall-canvas was taken over by a final massive bubble tag.

Dear memoriwall, we hardly knew ye. The real question is, who’s going to make the wall’s memorial?