
Ugliest Building in Sydney Has Mid-Life Crisis – Goes Under the Knife

It is accepted that if you want to catch a glimpse of Sydney at its best, you should climb to the top of the UTS tower.

This is because:

  1. You cannot see the tower, and,
  2. You cannot see the tower.

But this may no longer be the case.

Come 2019, a look at the UTS tower may not rile you with a deep concern for the world’s longest lasting game of Jenga, but instead propel you into something that looks like a 1980s imagining of the year 2000.

That’s right, UTS is getting a facelift. With $278 million set to go, Sydney-siders can expect to see UTSBuilding Two get redeveloped into a big glass dome.

The actual tower won’t change though and will remain forever …in our hearts.