
Screw Conventional Politics!

You have to admire politicians who will fight for what they believe in, regardless of ideology, to enact change.

In late December 2012, the world mourned as we learnt of yet another mass shooting that occurred in The United States of America; but this time it was different. Twenty children under the age of nine, were mowed down by a legally bought semi-automatic weapon. Can you imagine witnessing that at the age of nine?

Now in Orlando, 50 people have been killed at a nightclub, and it is the worst mass shooting in history (outnumbering the deaths of the Port Arthur and Virginia Tech Massacres) and it was a targeted attack on the LGBTQIA+ community.

Currently, in the Republican controlled House of Representatives, Democrat Congressman, John Lewis, is leading a sit in with fellow Democrats to demand a vote on gun control legislation.

Can the two major parties come to an agreement?
Can the two major parties come to an agreement? Flickr

But will this change anything? Conservative Republican and Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, has labeled the Democrat’s sit in as a ‘publicity stunt’.

That comment speaks volumes about the state of play in the gun lobby backed Republican party.

John Lewis and his fellow Congressmen and women, are standing up to the culture change that needs to happen. The Democrats have been chanting on the House Floor “No bill, no break”.