
The Best Games of E3 2016

This year’s E3 was packed with so many amazing games and hardware that it is almost impossible to decide what the best of the show was. From Microsoft’s new console and their plans to extent the life of their consoles with Project Scorpio to Sony’s bombardment of new series and sequels that fans have been long waiting years for, it was all amazing. It seems like the Christmas season will be packed with collectors’ editions and e-stockings full of Steam codes because these are some games and hardware that you should not miss out on.

Xbox One S and Project Scorpio 

This new, updated Xbox One console boasts an all white look, a slimmer, lighter profile and hard drives that dwarf the size of its bigger siblings (500GB and 2TB). Now into the more exciting console news: Microsoft announced that in Spring 2017 they would be releasing a new console that has the ability to play games at a 4K resolution and has the capacity to play virtual reality games. This could be huge news at it could lead to the implementation of their HoloLens technology which could change the way that we interact with our technology entirely.

Horizon: Zero Dawn

What would make a good looking game? A primal setting with a badass female character using a bow and arrow. Now, how could we make that even cooler? How about making all the creatures in the universe robotic dinosaurs and blend futuristic with primitive. That is what Horizon: Zero Dawn is and it looks amazing. With an open world that is filled with life and a cool concept that is unique, this game will be a must buy come February 28th only on PS4

Crash Bandicoot Remakes

Uka Uka is free! Finally, after so many years Sony will be remastering the classic games Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2, and Crash Bandicoot Warped. Not much about the games has been mentioned apart from the fact that they are happening, and that is enough for myself and all the die hard Crash fans to jump for joy. There is no release date set yet but it will be exclusive to the PS4

Spider-Man by Insomniac games

For years I have been waiting for a game that lived up to the experience that was playing Spider-Man 2 on my original Xbox and I think that this game could be getting close to that. A trusted developer anda style that looks extremely fitting with the web mechanics, it seems like they really are trying to make a good game based around Spiderman as opposed to a game that just has Spiderman in it. Having a game looking as good a this mechanically and aesthetically is a good sign of things to come. Also, for the PS4 only. After reading this list, so far I really need to invest in a PS4. That shows how unbiased this article is when the Xbox fanboy is siding with Sony for this year.

Battlefield 1 

Going back to World War 1 has never looked more beautiful. There was something about this gameplay trailer that gave me goosebumps. From the unreal graphics that look out of this world, to the sound that Dice have mastered, as with every other iteration. It just could not have been pulled off any better. The gunfights look gritty and intense and adding on top of that the aerial combat and tank gameplay, it looks like the Battlefield series may be at the forefront of the FPS race this year.

Some other notable games from this year are:

Any many more amazing games!