
Veggies For Your Garden That Even A Serial Plant Murderer Won’t Kill

So here’s the thing. I have killed every plant I’ve ever tried to love, and I have absolutely no idea why. I have accidentally overseen the death of a cactus, a lucky bamboo, and a self-sustaining terrarium. I feel awful about it! However even I’ve managed to keep a few veggies alive and giving delicious rewards, so if you’re looking to pick up a new hobby then may I suggest hitting the garden and turning that brown thumb a bit more green.

After a Google search for “plants that are impossible to kill,” I give to you your new gardening project.


Maybe not the most interesting of foods, but it will keep you alive during the coronavirus apocalypse, and also you can make some nice salads. It grows quickly, doesn’t really care if it doesn’t get full sun, and you can apparently whack it in a plastic container and it will grow there too.


Turns out there’s a reason that we all had to grow these as kids, and that’s because they’re simple enough to teach kids how to keep a garden. Mostly. I think I drowned mine because I assumed that watering them meant they’d know I loved them. Anyway. Give them something to climb, and don’t give them too much water. Turns out they hate that.

Cherry Tomatoes

If you can get them to the point where they start to produce tomatoes, they’ll basically become indestructible and never stop making tomatoes. The plants are supposedly tolerant to pretty much any stuff up you put it through, so this is probably the place to start.


As long as they’re in the full sun, they should be happy. They might not get to massive sizes (especially if your soil is rocky) but if they get to an edible size then I’d call that a win.