films turning 20

The Best Films Turning 20 In 2022

As we roll on in to 2022, a lot of us have spent the past two years coping with lockdowns and iso by finding joy in nostalgia. After all, we might not be able to jump in a time machine back to precedented times, but the next best thing you can do is pop on your favourite old films, tv show, or songs.

And I’m not just saying this because my brother came around for dinner last night and we spent an hour Googling the songs off his old Hot Wheel Hot Hits 2 CD. 

And so, here are some of the films turning 20 in 2022 that deserve a rewatch – iso or not.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 

When this film came out, The Two Towers broke The Fellowship of the Ring’s record for the highest weekend debut in December. And yes, I am just giving you an excuse to go back and watch the entire trilogy here.

Ice Age

This is, of course, the first and superior Ice Age film that we’re talking about here. Sure, sure, I never actually watched the rest of the films in this franchise, but I sure as hell wore out our video copy of this. When it came out, Ice Age broke the record held by Liar Liar for the highest weekend debut in March and for a spring release. 


Very fitting seeing as Tobey Maguire just made an appearance in Tom Holland’s Spider-Man: No Way Home. There’s a reason we’re still paying homage to this film, and that’s because it’s great.

Spider-Man was the first film ever to gross more than $100 million in 3 days, and had the highest weekend debut of 2002.

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones

I’ve never seen a single Star Wars film and at this point you can’t convince me to watch them. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones broke Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace’s record for the highest weekend debut for a prequel though, so I guess people liked it.


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

One of the best parts of 2002 was getting to watch Harry Potter without the knowledge that JK. Rowling is a TERF. 


Frankly I should have started with this one, what an absolutely all time film. Equal parts hilarious and terrifying to 6yo me, I still regularly quote “we’re just like a big, delicious banana split”. I’m going to tell my children that this film is what people mean when they’re talking about Citizen Kane.