
The Aussie Artist Loved by Lena Dunham

Lena Dunham, creator of hit TV show Girls, is a solid pop culture figurehead. Dunham has fought to earn that status, and considering the controversy that has surrounded her fans are always after info that reveals what makes the writer and actress “tick”.

For one, Amy Shark. Dunham recently tweeted this about the Aussie indie popstar:

Considering Shark has only been around for the last 12 months or so (but has made waves within the Aus music scene during that time), Lena Dunham’s endorsement is BIG. Who knows, maybe she’s got her finger on the pulse of the rapidly beating heart of the Australian music scene.

The particular song that Dunham was loving is  Shark’s hit ‘Weekends’. If you haven’t heard it yet take a listen below.

Shark has had a pretty good run when it comes to celebrities noticing her. Earlier this month Blink-182 former guitarist Tom DeLonge tweeted that she is the next “HUGE” thing.

We can only imagine that Shark may have fangirled a little at this shout out – DeLonge is one of her biggest musical inspirations. Shark said in an interview with the Rolling Stone AU that:

“He [DeLonge] knows how to write a great song, and a great melody and hooks galore.”

Looks like it’s up and up for Amy Shark. Go girl, you’ve earned it!

Dancing shark gif
Amy Shark is even better than this shark. Source