
Gaze into the Crystal Ball: The 2016 Federal Election

Most of us have heard the saying, “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”, and even if you haven’t, life has probably taught you about how true it can be.

Politics is in no way exempt from this. In fact, politics has a habit of repeating itself, and I think we can learn a fair bit by looking back on politics in order to predict a thing or two about where we might end up.

With the two-month-long 2016 Federal Election marathon extravaganza kicking off last Sunday, the campaigning is well and truly underway.

So what can we expect before poll day?

An Inundation of Political Slogans

Source: Election Watch Australia

There’s always a slogan, a catchphrase, a quote used to capture the party. They’re lurking in their speeches, scrawled across posters and dotted throughout ad breaks. They’re always there, and as Election Watch demonstrates, they aren’t always particularly original.

In the past, Labor has looked at uniting the nation with catchphrases including:

  • ‘A safe and secure future for all Australians’ – 1998
  • ‘Opportunity for all Australians’ – 2004
  • ‘Together: Let’s move Australia forward’ – 2010

While the Liberals have taken a slightly less subtle approach:

  • ‘Tell Labor it’s not good enough’ – 1996
  • ‘Go for growth’‘Don’t risk Labor’ – 2007
  • ‘We can’t afford more Labor’ – 2010

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has already been criticised for using the phrase “continuity and change”, a slogan almost identical to the one used in HBO’s satirical political comedy, Veep.

Secret Traits Will Be Revealed…

You know that politician you thought was a well-spoken and professional government leader? Well, elections seem to often shed light on areas of a politician’s life they’d probably prefer to stay hidden.

Remember when we discovered Kevin Rudd’s love for colourful language?


Need I say anymore? Too often politicians end up doing something cringe worthy in the campaign to win votes.

In 2013, the Big Brother house was personally addressed by Tony Abbott in the lead up to poll day. Flaunting his daughters on either side, Mr Abbott encouraged the contestants to remember him as “the guy with the not bad-looking daughters”. Uncomfortable much?

In 2012, Craig Emerson broke out into song as a response to the Opposition’s campaign against the carbon tax. Dubbed ‘Whyalla Wipeout’, the situation left us confused and cringing.

What great uncomfortableness can we look forward to this year?