
Obi-Wan to return in Star Wars standalone

A new standalone film about Obi-Wan Kenobi is set to be the next addition to the ever expanding Star Wars franchise.

The film will join an increasing line up of Star Wars flicks which will soon include The Last Jedi and an untitled Han Solo standalone.

Whilst the film is still in the ‘development’ phase, there’s plenty of exciting speculation about it already.

You’re the Obi-Wan Star Wars standalone we need Ben. Source.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Oscar nominated film-maker Stephen Daldry (famous for works such as Bill Elliot and The Hours) is in negotiations to direct the film. If chosen, Daldry will help develop the film from script level.

Ewan McGregor, who played young Obi-Wan in the Star Wars prequels has also expressed his interest in portraying the character again earlier this year (which we’d totally be okay with).

As for when and where the movie will be set – we still have no idea. With the script yet to be written it’s all down to rumours and speculation. Although, we think it would be pretty cool to see what Obi-Wan got up to all those years on Tatooine when he was hiding from the Empire.

With a Han Solo standalone soon to be finished, it seems like Disney and Lucasfilm have no immediate plans to cease giving fans what they want – more of their favourite characters.

Joining the Obi-Wan Kenobi film could also be movies centering on Yoda and bounty hunter Boba Fett, and if rumours are correct, many, many more films set in the Star Wars universe.

As these films are still in the development stage, there’s no real clues as to when we might expect any of them to land.

However, it seems like we won’t really get a chance to miss the Star Wars franchise anytime soon, with The Last Jedi set for release late this year and the Han Solo standalone set to arrive in 2018.