The election is over now, so we can get back to the business of running around, and debating what we should do, rather than what we can do! But we will still see politicians sniping at each other, blocking legislation, rogue MP’s and senators disenfranchising their party, and best of all, fighting to win the public perception.
Now, I’m sure that no one reading this can be too surprised that the proposed plebiscite on marriage equality, from the Liberal Party, will be pushed back till 2017. I hope you’re not disheartened.
But this is professional politics!
It has been well documented that the Liberals and Labor are under intense scrutiny and pressure from ‘factional bosses’, to influence and produce strong policies that represent their respective parties. So, we can’t be disheartened when the influential Liberal senator from Tasmania Eric Abetz, is quoted in a Guardian article, as saying;
“Everybody should be concerned if something as fundamental as changing our foundational institution of society, if the plebiscite on that were rushed.”
The numbers are in, however, and the majority agrees. So, for all intents and purposes, prolonging the plebiscite is a political manoeuvre rather than it being an inappropriate time to pass legislation.
Regardless of how you feel personally, your political beliefs, your religious beliefs – the numbers are speaking volumes.
– 64% of all Australians support marriage equality (Remember we have an ageing population)
– Among 50- 64 year olds, there is a 51% approval rating
And the best stat; which has reaffirmed my faith in my age group:
– 81% of young people believe in marriage equality.
Considering the immense swing the the Liberal Party experienced nationally, if the plebiscite was to be held this year, Malcolm Turnbull could experience a push in his own approval rating as well as the parties’.
Halal Snack Packs and Negative campaigning
Everyone smiles when NSW senator Sam Dastyari brings up the brilliance of the Halal snack pack. That is positive, using the personality of a politician to bring in votes. And then there is negative campaigning.
More or less, negative campaigning involves the trashing of your opposing politician, or bringing up past scandals, mistakes or university incidents. But it definitely works.
In response to Labor’s brilliant comeback this election, Malcolm Turnbull wishes to review advertising laws because of Bill Shorten’s Medicare campaign.
However, I don’t recall Bill Shorten advocating a change in legislation to advertising laws when Labor lost in 2013 to that umm….. uh …….. what was that three word slogan??
Oh yeah!!!! STOP THE BOATS!!!!.