Be still my beating heart.
There’s a lot to be said about disconnecting from social media every once and a while. The constant need to know what people are up to, and to share the very best version of your life is exhausting, not to mention vaguely narcissistic.
But if you must remain constantly connected and appraised of your Facebook feed (it’s my job, alright), what better way to do it than via an adorable robotic puppy?
Soshees are tiny robotic dogs that are programmable, and can notify you (adorably) when you get social media updates. Think Fur-Real Friends, but for adults.
Whenever you get a social media notification, Soshee barks, shakes, wags its tail or sings – you decide. Based on the Hungarian Puli dog breed (that’s the same breed Mark Zuckerberg owns FYI), Soshee is available in either black, brown or white. Currently Soshee can be linked up via Bluetooth to your Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and email – basically if you can get notifications for an app on your phone, you can get them from Soshee.
The idea for the pup started in 2015. Creator Jason Buzi (the same man behind the 2014 “Hidden Cash” scavenger hunts) said the the idea for Soshee came about from a desire to combine technology with adorableness. A noble goal. He developed the cuddly robot in partnership with John Nolan Studios (who are known for their incredibly realistic robots, as featured in Harry Potter).
The palm-sized pooch is currently seeking funding for mass production via a Kickstarter campaign.