
It’s Time For a Little Clit-ical Thinking

Vagina-owners, it’s time to rejoice! Science totally has our backs (and some of our other parts too) with some pretty revolutionary development in 3D modelling.

See that weird, pink wishbone in the feature image above? Yeah, that’s the very first 3D printed clitoris. Anatomically-correct and everything. And it’s all thanks to French researcher Odile Fillod and her brilliant determination to bring sex education up to scratch. The hope for this 3D model is that it’ll be used in French schools (and hopefully the rest of the world please!) to teach students about female anatomy.

Confession: I don’t think I really knew anything about the clitoris or its role until I started having sex for the first time. A few pages later on the internet and some self-discovery, and I was more educated about my own body in a few minutes than after a few years of sex education in school. Where was this information before? Why was no-one talking about it?

I find it a little strange that after a few years of sex ed I could tell you more about a penis and the role it played in intercourse (or just the penis in general) than I could about my own body. Now, as a proud vagina owner, that doesn’t seem right. And sexual pleasure? Forget that! All I was taught was penises went inside vaginas and this led to babies or diseases if we weren’t careful.

Instead, a lot of what I now know about the clitoris and female pleasure can be attributed to the insanely awesome collection of sex-educator Youtubers online, including Lindsey Doe, host of Sexplanations, or Laci Green from Sex+. But this beautiful 3D model could be the answer we’re waiting for! It’s mere existence tells us so much more about the clitoris than we’ve ever known before. Knowledge is power people!

These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise… Source.

Men have it that tiny bit easier when it comes to getting to know their genitals. Everything is out in the open to look at and cop a feel. Woman have to do a little bit more investigating and a lack of information combined with the shame society has built into female masturbation or exploration means a lot of females don’t know their bodies all that well. While I definitely suggest readers go do their own investigations into the clitoris (be they theoretical or practical), there’s already so much this sculpture can tell us.

But more than that, this little clit is a step towards better sexual education for females. It’s an acknowledgement that our current means of teaching needs shaking up. Forget sliding a condom onto a banana (it doesn’t take a rocket scientist people), let’s start incorporating this model into lessons and stop shying away from an important aspect of the human body.