
Long Awaited Love Actually Sequel Has A Catch

Love Actually is one of those romantic comedies that you either play on repeat until the DVD player breaks at Christmas time, or you want to throw it like a frisbee far, far away from you. Love it or hate it, there’s a reboot coming so you better be ready.

However, there’s a catch. It’s not really a movie so much as a short film that will go for about 10 minutes. While it’ll still star the characters that were portrayed by Hugh Grant, Keira Knightley, Colin Firth and Rowan Atkinson, the film might not be quite what fan were expecting.

Richard Curtis, the director of Love Actually, has said that the short film will explore what’s been happening in the characters lives since the original ended in 2003. The film is being made to support Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day fundraiser, which returns this year on March 24.

You might remember this gem from Red Nose Day a few years ago. Source.

On the sequel, Curtis said:

“I would never have dreamt of writing a sequel to Love Actually, but I thought it might be fun to do 10 minutes to see what everyone is now up to. We’ve been delighted and grateful that so many of the cast are around and able to take part – and it’ll certainly be a nostalgic moment getting back together and re-creating their characters 14 years later”

Curtis has given away no major plot points yet (thank God), and said that despite the film being shorter in length, it’ll still have the same spirit that fans of the movie have come to love. Curtis also gave no hints as to what will happen to Alan Rickman’s character, Harry, in the film. Luckily fans won’t have to wait too long – the Love Actually sequel will be released March 25 2017.

But let’s be real – for some of us that’s still too long to wait.

This will be you on March 25th. Source.