Van Gough Alive

Sydney’s New Van Gogh Alive Exhibit is a Must-See Experience

Transporting you into the mind of one of the world’s most renowned and beloved artists, Vincent Van Gogh. Van Gogh Alive gives visitors the unique opportunity to immerse themselves into the artistry and truly unique multi-sensory experience. Surrounded by art and a vibrant symphony of light colour, sound and fragrance. Truly an experience unlike any other, this exhibit is a masterpiece of work, teleporting you into a wonderland inside the painter’s life. 

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Immersive Experience

This unique experience unlike any other offers visitors the ability to immerse themselves into the world of artistry that is Van Gogh’s mind. It’s almost as if stepping into his paintings yourself, a masterpiece coming to life, viewing artwork from multiple angles and photographs displayed on video, set to famous scores of music, including glimpses of the Harry Potter soundtrack creating a warm and comforting atmosphere. 

Using state-of-the-art SENSORY4™ system which combines motion graphics beamed through up to 40 high-definition projectors with cinema-quality surround sound. The thrilling display of over 3,000 enormous images of Van Gogh’s masterpieces are beamed at a brilliant scale across the walls columns and floors with the vibrant details and brushstrokes of Van Gogh’s work, stunning guests of all ages. 

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Global Scale 

Over 6 million people across 50 cities around the world including Rome, Milan, Berlin, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Moscow, and more, and now we’re lucky enough to experience the enchanting digital spectacular right here in Sydney.

Emma Triggs, founder and CEO of the M Agency and Promoter of Van Gogh Alive at MLive, says: “Van Gogh Alive presents Van Gogh and his work in an entirely different, contemporary light. It is one of the most immersive and sharable experiences I’ve ever seen. The fact that it is absolutely no-touch makes it ideal in today’s COVID-aware climate,” says Emma Triggs. “We hope everyone enjoys this amazing multi-sensory exhibition. It’s  a  great opportunity to experience art in a completely new way and to reconnect with creative culture in a safe space.” 

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This unforgettable exhibit is not one to be missed, redefining how art and culture are experienced by the masses. Van Gogh Alive breathes new life into classic masterpieces viewed by millions before. The exhibit is an absolute joy for fans of Van Gogh to enjoy the event which captures the strokes of his brush, command of colour and his ability to capture the magnificence of our world through his pain on a large scale show. Breathtaking is an understatement.  


Opening on Friday 18 September through 22 November 2020 for a strictly limited COVID-aware season at The Royal Hall of Industries, run don’t walk to book your tickets and experience the majesty of the art yourself. (The Royal Hall of Industries is registered as a COVID-safe venue).

Ticket’s to Van Gogh Alive are available in limited quantities for  $30 and are now available for purchase on their official site.