
Please Explain: Pauline Hanson’s Plagiarised Policies

Barely a week since Pauline Hanson was elected, the returning senator and One Nation party leader has already had to “please explain” why chunks of her party’s policies are plagiarised.

One Nation policy information on halal certification, sustainable development, and medicinal cannabis all appear to have been directly lifted from other websites, including from right-wing and anti-Islam sites.

Ms Hanson’s policy on halal certification is identical to text from U.S. hard-right publication Frontpage Magazine.

Extract from Frontpage Magazine. Source
Extract from One Nation policy on halal certification. Source

For context, Frontpage Magazine also likes to publish articles on why the #BlackLivesMatter movement should be classified as terrorism, and how women “need” marriage to be happy.

But wait, there’s more. Another chunk of One Nation policy on halal certification has also been plagiarised from another anti-Islamic website called the Q Society, a friendly bunch of folks who like to equate Islamic schools and halal food with apartheid.

Extract from the Q Society. Source
Extract from One Nation policy on halal certification. Source

Considering halal certification is an issue Pauline feels so strongly against that she claims it both funds terrorism and increases grocery prices (claims which a parliamentary inquiry rejected), it’s a little concerning that she couldn’t come up with her own information about it.

When they’re not having nightmares about halal snack packs, Pauline Hanson and her One Nation policy writers also like to plagiarise from Wikipedia. You know, something most of us learned not to do in Year 8. One Nation policy on medicinal cannabis contains several sentences identical to the Wikipedia page on the same topic.

Extract from Wikipedia page on medicinal cannabis. Source
Extract from One Nation policy on medicinal cannabis. Source

Despite a personal plea from PM Malcolm Turnbull to stop a Pauline Hanson revival, Ms Hanson and her party gained 9% of the senate vote in Queensland. While it’s easy to write Ms Hanson and One Nation off as hard-right minorities, the margin of Queensland senate votes she won highlights how a significant number of Australians agree with her and her (partly plagiarised) policies. Depending on how many senate seats One Nation eventually wins (ABC election analyst predicts three seats is likely), Ms Hanson looks sets to wield significant power in the upper house.

One Nation has refused to comment, and the plagiarised material remains  on their website.