
Kickstart Your Career With the Optus Graduate Program

Do you dream of getting ahead in your career? Do you want to know where you fit within a business?

Here’s your chance to be a part of something huge because Optus is looking for applicants to their 2018 Graduate Program. It’s perfect for anyone looking to work in a well-renowned organisation that offers not only a variety of opportunities, but is dedicated to their employees. There’s a diverse range of areas to work in such as as Marketing, Finance and Accounting, IT, Networks and Telecommunications, Engineering and HR, and you’ll also receive mentoring and on-the-job experience.

Not quite sold yet? Well, not only is this program successful in recruiting graduates who have moved onto senior roles within Optus, but 70% of graduates are still with the company after five years. Now that’s impressive.


What is the Graduate Program like?

After passing a series of interviews, assessments and group activities, successful graduates will be offered a two-year rotation throughout the business. They will also be offered to apply for an international rotation with the global Singtel Group in locations such as India, Singapore and the Philippines. Serena Reid, a current graduate of the program, joined Optus in April 2016 and is currently preparing to go to Singapore next week. Since joining, she has tried a variety of roles.

“My first rotation was in delivery, and then I moved into government sales and government strategy innovation and now I’m in strategic sales. [Optus] mentored me for areas that I liked, the areas that I’m good at.  I found that I really liked doing sales work, being out and about and solving customer problems.”

The prospect at choosing a singular career is daunting, which is why the Optus Graduate Program is brilliant for how it encourages hands-on experience across a wide range of roles.

“You can navigate around, and find your path and what you’re suited for.”

Reid says her favourite parts of the Optus Graduate Program are the access to senior leaders and mentors, as well as the constant support you receive. “I came into the program not really knowing what to do and I’ve had total support from multiple mentors who I regularly went to for help and support,” she said. “Everyone is willing to help because they know the value of the graduates. They are happy to help you build your career and move through the business.”


Why choose Optus? Not only does it promote an outcome driven culture, but they promote a positive and friendly workplace that places emphasis on the employee experience. “Working at Optus is like nothing else I’ve ever experienced – there are lots of social events for staff and our Sydney campus has plenty of cafes, weekly markets and a gym,” said Reid. “They make sure their employees are happy.”

What are you waiting for? Kickstart your career and submit your application to Optus Graduate Program now! Applications close July 1 2017.