Freedom and Whisky. In the last episode, Claire admitted she used to quote that to Jamie on the regular. It seems to have it as the title of this episode is fitting.
This episode is all about Claire and Brianna, about their life after giving up on the hunt for Jamie. Brianna is struggling with school. She’s trying to work out if she is more Randall than Fraser. She can’t go back to her life how it was.
Claire is being a badass surgeon, as per usual. She’s leaning on Joe a little more, her best friend and co-worker. She confides in him about Jamie, how fate how other plans for the two of them.
Joe’s response, “Fuck fate.”
We all need a friend like that in our lives.
So, both the women are in turmoil. Then who shows up to save the day?
He claims he wants an American Christmas, but really we all know he wants to see Brianna and help Claire because Roger is the purest human ever to grace this show. Except maybe besides Major John. I love that guy.
Anyway, Roger rocks up in the middle of Brianna and Claire having a fight. Brianna storms out, Claire and Roger hang out and then he drops a bomb shell. The dorky historian just couldn’t let it go…
Yep, Jamie is alive in 1765, only a year ago in this weird space-time continuum that these guys have been operating in. He’s a printer and bookseller, going under the name Alexander Malcolm. It’s almost like Jamie knew if he just went under variations of his name, eventually Claire would find him.
So, now Claire is faced with a dilemma. Does she leave behind her daughter for the man that she loves? Does she stay for Brianna and get to see her grow up? In the end, Brianna makes the decision for her.
Claire, Roger and Brianna get to work organising Claire’s trip through the stones. And when it is time to finally say goodbye, it is heartbreaking. We know Brianna will have Roger, but we’ve finally gotten to see the pure bond between mother and daughter. Once Claire addresses Brianna’s fears that she never resented her daughter, that she was the best thing to ever happen to Claire, she’s off.
But not before adding some motherly advice about old Rog.
So, Claire heads back through the stones. She ends up in 1766, in Edinburgh, and Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ we have waited five episodes for this. We are so nervous. We know Jamie will still love Claire as much as he did 20 years ago. We don’t share the same concerns she does about that – but will it be the same kind of love?
Finally, Claire enters the bookshop. Jamie is busy working, chattering away and mistakes her for someone else.
We see him for the first time in so long through her eyes.
“It’s me, Claire.”
In his shock, he faints.
That is where the episode ends.
Damn you, Starz!
We won’t get to see Jamie and Claire’s official reunion until October 23rd. Until then, excuse me while I repeat the last scene of Freedom and Whisky 37 times because I can’t believe these guys are back together.