
Swedish Employees Agree to Microchip Implants

Microchip implants are apparently the way of the future. At least, that’s what the Swedes think. A Stockholm firm called Epicentre has offered to install microchips in their employees for free. The chip is about the size of a grain of rice and so far, 150 of their employees have agreed.

Why? According to the co-founder of Epicenter, Patrick Mesterton, the answer is simple.

“It basically simplifies your life. You can do airline fares with it, you can also go to your local gym … So it basically replaces a lot of things you have other communication devices for, whether it be credit cards, or keys, or things like that.”

The chip is controlled by radio frequency identification chips or RFID. Although it can’t do all of the things that the co-founder has listed just yet, the firm has big ideas for it.

As of right now the microchip allows you to gain access to the office without using keys, as well as use the photocopier. People who lose their keys around the office will be thrilled that instead of relying on their memory, they now get to rely on a chip that has been injected into the fleshy part of their hands.

Thank goodness it was free!

One fellow employee couldn’t be happier about the chip being implanted, as she had this to say:

“I want to be part of the future. I usually lose a lot of things like my keys … so this will give me access and help me a lot more.”

Personally, this concept sounds terrifying. I can’t really comprehend why you’d agree to do this. This reminds me of a Black Mirror episode that hasn’t been written, but surely will be thanks to the REAL LIFE inspiration it now has from Epicentre.

So while this is hugely progressive, if you need me I’ll be in the corner being quietly terrified of the future.

Me too Squidward, me too. Source.