
10 Things To Do While You Wait For Game of Thrones

HBO recently confirmed Game of Thrones will not be returning to our screens in 2018. Instead, we’re all going to have to wait a whole year and some more to find out who will sit on the Iron Throne at the end of the series. Worse still, is the fact there hasn’t even been a confirmation of what day, or month in 2019 we’ll be returning to Westeros.

So it seems fans must now brace themselves for the longest drought between seasons of Game of Thrones, and it’s not going to be easy. With no release date confirmed as of yet for the seventh book in the series either, there is very little fans will be able to do to cure their hunger for more Game of Thrones.

Luckily we have a little list of things to do to help tide you over until 2019.

1. Read the books.

It really is. Source.

If you don’t like reading, try audiobooks. If you’ve already read the books. Re-read them. Take down quotes. Pin them to your walls. The books are huge, so we estimate doing this might keep you pre-occupied for about six months.

2. Re-watch every episode of Game of Thrones.

See? Source.

With a whole seven seasons at your disposal now is a good time to go back and revisit every episode. There are currently 67 episodes of Game of Thrones. If you watch one a week starting now, you will find yourself in 2019, with episodes still left to watch. Genius.

3. Theorise about how the show is going to end.

Do you now? Source.

The good thing about Game of Thrones is that the theories never actually end. (Well, until the show does, of course). Going over every single clue in the books and in the show is a good way to waste time. Which, by the way you now have plenty of.

4. Share some Game of Thrones memes with your friends.

Memes are kind of endless. Some are good, some are bad. Find some good ones and lol with your friends about them. Then when you think you have shared them all, make your own.

5. Stalk GRRM on Twitter.

If waiting isn’t your thing, you can always pester the Game of Thrones creator about that book which you’ve been waiting so long for.

6. Host a Game of Thrones themed party.

Because dressing up is fun. Plus, there is all that planning you would have to do. Outfits, themed food, themed games, music. Think of how much time you could waste!

Time to forget our waiting woes. Source.

7. Watch every cast interview.

Same. Source.

If you really need to fangirl/fanboy about Game of Thrones,

make sure you’re doing it right. Watch all the cast interviews and see if you can pick up any subtle hints about the fate of their characters.

8. Make some dragon eggs.

Heck yeah. Source.

If you’re the sort of person that is best occupied by using your hands this is for you. With some polystyrene eggs, thumb tacks and a little bit of nail polish you can create your own dragon eggs. This sort of project also takes time so it’s bound to keep you occupied for a while. (Pro-tip, play the Game of Thrones theme song in the background while you do this, it’ll feel more epic).

9. Watch something else.

Excuse me? Source.

I know. You’re all thinking, ‘how can you say that?’ Game of Thrones is everything!’ But watching something else might numb the pain for a little while. Try Vikings, The 100, Westworld, or Outlander.

10. Cry.

When all is lost you can always resort to having a good old cry about it. It’s okay. We’ve all been there. Sometimes the waiting is just too much and the emotions all simply leak out. Take some comfort in knowing you are not alone in this.

It’s okay Sansa, we understand. Source.