
Highlights of the federal electoral campaign so far

The past five weeks of the electoral campaign have gone by quickly, leaving a little over a week until the federal election (otherwise known as doomsday.)

Both of the major parties have been trying their best to convince the Australian public that they are the “right choice” and will give a “fair go”, as Bill Shorten likes to say.

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via Crikey

Tensions may be rising in the political sphere, but it seems as though the public couldn’t care less. Unfortunately, this election is quite important to our futures and we need to be staying tuned in to what’s going on, and listening to the promises that are made by each party.

So, what are the key things we need to know about the campaign to keep in the loop?

Recently, Scott Morrison was egged by an angry protester and a story has emerged about Bill Shorten’s mother. Campaign techniques are getting dirty, and not just because ScoMo was hit by an egg.

Let’s start off with another egging. It seems that this is now the weapon of choice here in Australia to protest against our politicians. A 24-year-old woman walked up behind Scott Morrison and threw an egg at his head (which bounced off without breaking), during an event at the Country Women’s Association in Albury. This woman has since been charged over the incident, but Mr Morrison seems to be slightly confused about why this woman was protesting.

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via The Aim

Mr Morrison stated, “Our farmers have to put up with these same idiots who are invading their farms and their homes. We will stand up to thuggery whether it’s these cowardly activists who have no respect for anyone, or militant unionists standing over small businesses and their employees on work sites.”

Mr Morrison has included both vegan and union protestors in the blame train for this protest, but we’re not sure which it was, as the protester has not answered any questions. Watch out politicians – you never know who might be egged next.

Bill Shorten hasn’t been left out of the dirty election tactics after The Daily Telegraph accused him of looking over an “inconvenient truth” when discussing his mother’s life. In a Q&A episode, Mr Shorten told the audience about his mother and how she had wanted to be a lawyer but needed to take a teacher’s scholarship to help her family. The Daily Telegraph took this and ran with it, claiming that Mr Shorten had omitted the truth as his mother had become a lawyer later in life. Semantics, right?

Anyway, Mr Shorten has come back at The Daily Telegraph, and I’m sure the drama will soon be over as the next exciting scandal is released.

One of the big conversational topics of this election is climate change and the environment. Each party has its own qualms with each other in relation to climate change. Labor argues that the Coalition has overlooked the environment over the past six years in parliament, but the Coalition argues that Labor’s emission reduction target is “recklessly ambitious.” Just typical political party things.

The Coalition has promised $2 billion for projects that could reduce Australia’s carbon emissions. Mr Morrison has promised that Australia would meet its Paris commitment to reducing emissions by 26 to 28 per cent by 2030. The Coalition plans to commit $15 billion for renewables and invest $1.38 billion into the Snowy Hydro project.

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via Plea Network

Labor has also promised to throw billions of good old taxpayers’ money at renewable projects. There are hopes that the means-tested $2000 rebate for homes using batteries for storage will triple the number of homes using them. Labor has also promised to expand support for solar installation for low-income households. The biggest commitment that Labor has made is wanting half of all new cars bought to be electric by 2030. In an aim to one-up the Coalition, Labor has also pledged to have a higher emission reduction target for the Paris commitment, of 45 per cent.

One of the other major conversations which young people should be listening to this election period is jobs. Both parties have pledged to create more jobs if elected. The Coalition promised to create 1.25 million full-time jobs over the next five years. Labor has promised a tax cut for small businesses that hire under 25-year olds and over 55-year olds, and any parents or carers.

A lot has been happening on the campaign trail, and not a lot that we care about – but we still need to listen. Stay tuned for more questionable promises to be made in the last week of the campaign trail. It’s time to start thinking about who you’re going to vote for because, in the end, we’re voting for the leader of our country and the direction in which we want our country to go. Time to get those thinking caps on!


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