Star Wars

First Trailer for Rouge One: A Star Wars Story Drops, So Do Panties.

The first trailer for Rouge One: A Star Wars Story dropped recently, to both the excitement of the masses, and the executives at Disney who have more money than a Columbian drug lord. This new addition to the growing Star Wars universe (or should I say galaxy?) seems to continue the new trend of multiculturalism  in the Disney franchise: no longer is Lando Calrissian the only black man in the galaxy.

Star Wars

The first stand alone film stars Felicity Jones (The Theory of Everything) as Jyn Erso who is a part of a team of rebel spies, aiming to steal the plans to the soon to be built Death Star. With the film not coming out till December, fans will still have to hold their breathe and wait for the next trailer. However, early signs are promising based on what we have seen so far.