
No, Pauline, The Project is not heading to the ABC

Pauline Hanson is known for having some outrageous beliefs, with her latest being the idea that children with disability, specifically autism, don’t belong in mainstream classrooms.

However, her latest series of tweets regarding the news and comment show The Project has many scratching their heads.

The One Nation Senator has alleged that the ABC has approached Channel 10 about buying the show. Apparently a source, which still remains unnamed, told Hanson that the broadcaster offered $16 million for the current affairs program.

Oh, Pauline.

No, Pauline Hanson, the Project is staying at 10.
Done with this. Source.

Channel Ten announced that they would be entering voluntary administration earlier this year (although things may be starting to look up after Bruce Gordon and Lachlan Murdoch signalled their intention to take over if laws allowed). This means that their finances aren’t looking too good, and would be looking for solutions to ensure that they stay afloat.

However, The Project is one of the networks most popular programs, with host Waleed Aly winning the Gold Logie in 2016 for his brilliant editorials on the show. And it appears they aren’t letting it go. And why would they?

Despite both Channel 10 and the ABC declining the bizarre claim, it appears Hanson won’t let the idea go. She continued to tweet about the show and the two network’s apparently secret deal.

I think the more important question is, why does the One Nation Senator care so much about what network houses The Project? What is she worried about?

Please explain.