There may have been a time when presenting your discount coupon at dinner would result in embarrassment, but now it seems times are changing and we are becoming a bunch of bargain hunters! I mean, a poke bowl in Sydney feels like it costs the same price as a fresh pair of Nikes – so it’s quite inevitable that we’ve reached this point.
According to a new survey conducted by Entertainment Publications, a whopping 70 per cent of Australians are more likely to dine out if they don’t have to pay full price and 80 per cent said that rather than choosing the eatery they want to dine at the most, they would instead choose a restaurant to eat at where they don’t have to cop the full price of the bill. I’m definitely somewhere in that statistic!
This shows us that although we enjoy dining out (let’s face it: in the Instagram age, nearly all millennials are foodies to some degree), we still want to be savvy with our hard-earned part-time dough and will forgo our first choice of cuisine if there is a better deal available elsewhere.
Clearly, we are a nation of foodies. Take a look at your own Instagram, foodies; I’m sure there’s at least one beautifully edited food pic in your recent uploads – also, you know that food pic was carefully added with ulterior motives – to balance the number of selfies you have on your profile so that you don’t look so narcissistic! I’m looking at you, Tayla.
Over 80 per cent of respondents recorded that they dine out between one and six times a month, and over half also said they’d make at least a seven out of ten effort to search for a special offer before dining out. It seems that we are becoming savvier about how we spend our precious dollars, still wanting to enjoy a top quality foodie experience, but without spending top dollar.
It also appears that we’re not shy about getting a good deal on a date night with our partner either, with nearly half of people surveyed saying they mostly dine out with their other half, versus just 26 per cent dining out as a family and 25 per cent with friends.
I used the Entertainment Book app just last Friday with my boyfriend of 500 years, as we wanted to spice things up – both figuratively and literally. We ate out at New Shanghai for dumplings and noodle soup before our movie. Sitting there and enjoying my all-time favourite dishes of the Chinese cuisine (Xiao Long Bao and pork wonton soup – anyone else with me?) and knowing that I was going to leave the restaurant with a bit of extra dosh for movie snacks definitely felt great.
Our mentality has changed on not shying away from using discounts and coupons; we all have student loans, ridiculous rent, and a ruthless champagne lifestyle to keep up with. Looking at everyone’s Instagram stories on a daily basis (including my own) makes us look like we’re a part of the massive 20s squad from The Great Gatsby. To keep up with the trend of dishing dirt over a sexy brunch with cocktails that cost more than our hourly rate, we have to fight for it. Foodies, meet coupons – your new best friend.
Entertainment Book, the wholly-owned Australian company and iconic brand with a 25-year history of helping our food-crazed nation save make it easy, seamless and subtle to eat well on the cheap, with a digital app when you want to strip zeros off the bill. Let’s be real, we’re all about that 2-for-1 lifestyle.