
The Pepsi Dumbbells You Didn’t Even Know You Needed

We all have that one stupid friend (or maybe you’re that stupid friend – if so, I’m about to pay you out, so you may want to exit the article) who orders a Diet Coke trying to be ‘healthy’.

You know the line, “I’ll just have a Coke Zero because I’m watching my sugar intake.” How about try a bottle of water… 0g calories and 0g sugar. Am I right?



The newest joke of a healthy drink is here, and it’s even more ridiculous than Vitamin Water – all 120 calories of it. Probably aiming to appeal to a new niche (healthy people), which they previously haven’t been able to combat (and for good reason), Pepsi have developed a dumbbell shaped bottle of ‘Pepsi Lite.’


Nope, I’m not kidding. Dumbbell shaped. Although Pepsi Light is calorie free, it’s not generally the kind of beverage that the fitness community would rush to purchase, thus the confusing design and packaging.


Perhaps this innovative bottle shape might have worked better for a sports drink like Gatorade, which ironically is a PepsiCo owned brand (did someone mix up the proposal plans?) Or just plain old bottled water.

I recommend not getting carried away and doing a few bicep sets or shoulder presses with the bottle, to avoid a fountain of fizzy drink exploding from the ‘dumbbell’. Another design fault?


According to PedestrianTV, a Brazilian advertising agency named AlmapBBDO created the packaging and distributed it to gyms in the Brazilian area.

There is no word as of yet whether it was accepted and embraced by the fitness community over there, although I think we can guess the answer. There’s also no indication when, or if, it will be distributed in Australia.