
Annoyed About the Weather? There’s a Hotline for That

When people aren’t happy about the weather, they definitely like to talk about it.

It didn’t take much for people to reply to Angela Garrick’s classified ads in small newspapers advertising a ‘professional service’.

The ads provided a service for people to complain and vent their annoyances about the weather. The response was met with a number of people, from under-dressed tourists to upset surfers and beachgoers – who all finally had an outlet to release their frustration.


One man flew from Sydney to Melbourne, and called the hotline to complain that it was colder than he anticipated.

“I’ve just landed at Tullamarine Airport and it’s wet, it’s cold, I’ve come from Sydney,” he complained to the hotline.

“I get to Tullamarine Airport wearing nothing but my board shorts and my T-shirt and I’m shaking.”

One man even complained about an infestation of cockroaches due to the high humidity.

The voice messages taken from the hotline are actually included in Garrick’s art installation as part of the SafARI exhibition at the Cross Arts Gallery in Potts Point. Garrick aims to keep the hotline available to the public, planning to keep a long-term archive of the public’s concerns about the weather.


“They’re all amazing,” Garrick told the ABC.

“My favourite one would probably be a respondent who basically just sounded very distraught that his bike had melted due to the heat. He was very upset about that.”

This man’s phone call lasted a whole minute and 25 seconds, complaining about multiple things including wasps, the sun and even cooking.

One reason that Garrick came up with the idea is because she loves talking about the weather, and wasn’t surprised that other people did too.

“I feel like in this day and age we’re always having to perfect our lives and make them as perfect as possible and there’s just some factors that we just can’t control and the weather is one of them,” she said.