
8 Cyanide and Happiness Life Lessons

Every generation has their voice: first it was the Bible, then Seinfeld, now it’s Cyanide and Happiness. Here are some life lessons from the kind people at explosim.net.

  1. Know your Enemy


Cyanide and Happiness

  1. Better safe than sorry


Cyanide and Happiness

  1. Don’t doubt yourself.

Cyanide and Happiness

  1. Don’t correct peoples’ grammar.

Cyanide and Happiness

  1. Nothing is more important than family.

Cyanide and Happiness

  1.  Team work makes the dream work.

Cyanide and Happiness

  1. It pays to be cool and do cool things.

Cyanide and Happiness

  1. Everyone hates listicles

Cyanide and Happiness

You can find more of these comics at explosim.net as well as some very humorous animations