
5 thrifty travel hacks for the globe-trotting millennial

Every year I take a trip overseas where I eat my way through Italy and drink my way through Germany (just kidding, I drink everywhere). I guess I’m your classic North Shore chick who just couldn’t get enough of Europe after my 2017 Contiki. With all of my ‘amazing travel experience’ I’ve compiled over the years, I feel like I’m somewhat of a travel guru. Here are five life-saving tips and hacks for stress-free travel:


I don’t know about you, but I cannot sleep on those long-haul flights or even the short internal ones. There’s nothing better than some uninterrupted shut-eye after spending hours at the airport waiting for your constantly delayed flight (that’s what you get for choosing to go to Greece, Sharon). Valium is a prescription medication, so you’ll need to make sure to organise this before you go. Otherwise, it’s uncomfortable economy flying with bloodshot eyes and a stinking bad attitude (and armpits), which is not ideal.

travel sleep valium
via Giphy

Pelikin Card

Pelikin is a simple to load, prepaid Visa card that pairs with an app which allows travellers to pay in multiple currencies without having to pay transaction fees. Yeah, I’m sold. Do you have any idea how much money I’ve lost from transaction fees in the past? Enough to go to Lost Paradise. Twice. It also gives users the ability to split bills and expenses from within one app in whichever currency they need. It’s so 2020! 

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via Giphy

A fake Gmail account

If you’re like me and always forget to buy an international sim card (or just can’t be bothered at all in organising it) then you’re only left with free wifi to get your daily dose of Instagram and Facebook updates. Free wifi at cafes, McDonald’s, train stations and hostels almost always require an email account to sign you up to the wifi, which means you will be loaded with spam emails if you give your actual email address. I usually just type in “[email protected]” but it doesn’t always work. So, it’s best to create a dummy email account.

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via Giphy

Download Eps on Netflix and Stan

Sometimes Netflix is going to be your only friend when you’re travelling. It’s healthy to have a short binge of your favourite TV shows, even while you’re away. Having downloaded episodes will be a lifesaver when you’re waiting around at airports, when you’re on long bus trips, and even for a quiet night in here and there.

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via Giphy

BYO Condiments

If you’re not a happy chap when it comes to tasting new and exciting flavours to add a little culture to your palette, then the only way to shut yourself up is bringing along your all-time favourite condiments for your morning toast. Whether that’s vegemite, mum’s homemade jam or a very particular brand of peanut butter that is only sold at Aldi, then FFS just bring it with you. Nobody wants to hear you complain about how spicy the still-very-westernised version of butter chicken is when you’re eating with a group of strangers at your hostel’s free dinner nights. 

Rachael Ray Show GIF travel
via Giphy



What are your favourite travel tips? Tell us in the comments below!